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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en ADR desarrolla una nueva generación de ejes para maquinaria agrícola
The Black Bull range is synonymous with speed, security and high performance, among other features

ADR develops a new generation of axles for agricultural machinery


March 28, 2008

Two years of study, experimentation, computerized simulations and tests of broad-spectrum materials, exclusive methods of production and, mainly, millions of euros of investment. All this, supported by "intuition and tenacity of the technical team", has contributed to the development of a new generation of axles for agricultural machinery: the Black Bull series.
ADR ensures have revolutionized the concept of shaft in all its aspects: the weight, speed, safety and duration. In that regard, Black Bull is synonymous with lightness, without this having to give up the robustness and reliability: is the product prepared to face a future that has already begun, which will be the dissemination of hydraulic suspensions in the sector of agricultural machines. The series is also a synonym for search of new materials. To obtain a significant reduction in weight and achieve planned objectives, the structure of the axis has been totally redesigned, on the basis of an original profile in high strength steel tubular. A selection that is born, together with the development of the manguetas forged in special steel, in collaboration with steel works of art in Europe.
The Black Bull of ADR series axis
The Black Bull of ADR series axis.
ADR has been completely reviewed some important production processes and has managed to secure "a perfect correspondence of the tubular effort any body", thanks to an exclusive method of welding that ensures a decidedly superior resistance to that obtained through traditional methods, without solution of continuity with the base material.
We have designed new modules for the mechanization of the tubular as the manguetas and the result, says the company is "the perfect concentricidad between all the components of the axis, with the advantage of a lower wear of tyres and a perfect efficiency of brakes". The special system of slabs (original company) allows manguetas to guarantee a perfect coupling with the tubular: high precision and an excellent peso-resistencia.

High performance

Weight reduction, rigorous testing materials and welds and innovative production processes are working together to provide greater benefits to the Black Bull range. A prolonged duration and an economy of maintenance in the same product can cover speeds of exercise which vary between 20 and 100 km/h and higher. The axes are equipped with lower weight means greater airflow, fuel economy and reduction of working times. They are made of quality materials that ensure greater safety margins. High-quality components ensure the accuracy of the Assembly and greater effectiveness of the brakes. They also incorporate proprietary, sensitive and accurate address and autoviraje systems. Note also the structural flexibility scheduled during the phase of project to optimize the efficiency of the suspension in case of shock and irregular Fund. There is a total compatibility with all the accessories components of the ADR range. Not in vain, Black Bull is "synonymous with speed and security".
The special process of production of the mangueta and reduced axial tolerance between the parties, ensures a bearing seatings finish much more accurate of the achievable with traditional methods and a greater density of material in the coupling between mangueta and bearing. This is an indispensable requirement of security, given the always higher speeds which axes are subject. Thanks to their constructive characteristics Black Bull regroups itself prerogatives of robustness of a product 'heavy duty' for speeds from 20 km/h and the sophistication of axes of highway.
Flavio Radrizzani, President of ADR, says "for the new Black Bull series we've started with the best results in years of experience and we have rewritten them using everything that today's materials and processing technology has made us available." This is the reason why the Black Bull axes are "more than prepared" to meet the future challenges more difficult.
The new axes of the firm are designed for agricultural machinery
The new axes of the firm are designed for agricultural machinery.

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