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Isagri incorpora a su ordenador de bolsillo un módulo de reconocimiento vocalIsagri incorporates into his pocket computer voice recognition module
March 23, 2007
Isagri has joined its management programmes for Agri-Pocket (pocket computer), for cattle for milk and meat (Isalact and Isacarne) for sheep and goats (Isaovino and Isacaprino) a voice recognition based on a 'voiceinsight' engine module. A simple oral question is sufficient for the livestock display on screen the information sought and listen to the answer.
Integrated into Isalact, Isacarne, Isaovino and Isacaprino programmes, the recognition has as main objective facilitate the consultation and the search for the information in the database on an animal or planning, from a vocal question as: "What is the last event of the animal white?" The screen is situated on the response and responds "white cow has given birth on 17/12/06". The user can also see the answer in the Agri-Pocket screen, as well as the file of the animal. It is not necessary to any parametraje voice, because that module simply reacts to the voice. The farmer save time because you don't get the pointer of the PDA to check a list that can have more than 100 animals, or medications.
The user asks and answers Agri-Pocket
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