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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Durán Maquinaria Agrícola participa en una demostración de laboreo organizada por su distribuidor en Segovia

Durán Agricultural Machinery participates in a demonstration of laboreo organised by his distributor in Segovia


16 April 2014

The past 3 April, the dealer Replaced Agricultural Segovia promoted a demonstration of machines of Pöttinger for the manufacturing of the floor in whose organisation collaborated the importing of the mark in Spain –Durán Agricultural Machinery– and New Holland.

To the day of field, that took place in a finca of the Spanish plateau situated between Aldeosancho and Cantalejo, in Earth of Sepúlveda, attended some 400 people arrived of distinct points of Segovia and of other bordering zones. The aim was that the public checked in situ the specific behaviour of each machine, in addition to giving to know the technological advances of miscellaneous of the aperos that integrate the current range of laboreo of Pöttinger and that better adapt to this geography.

During the exhibition, the assistants had the opportunity to see in direct the work of the sembradora of minimum laboreo compact Terrasem C6, of the cultivador dragged of three rows Synkro 4030 Nova, of the fast terracing Terradisc 3501 of 3,5 m of width of work, of the plough suspended with width of cut regulable Servo 35 S of five bodies and of the rotary presses terracing semipesada Lion 302.

The day completed with a static exhibition of a wide range of machinery of laboreo and seeds. On the other hand, the meeting put of relief, once again, the interest that this type of events arouse between the professionals of the field, always desirous to know to the detail the operation of the aperos to do the best possible election, the most effective and the most profitable.

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Durán Maquinaria Agrícola, S.L.

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