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Between "chicuelinas and verónicas", Claas has known torear the crisis

Claas Iberian celebrates in style the centenary of the company

Ruth Roig Rocher10/10/2013

The vetustas streets of Alcalá de Henares were the stage chosen to commemorate the centerario of a dream, a vision, a reality, of the father of the company Claas, Augusto Claas. After these one hundred years conform different links, from the agriculturalists, dealers and the employees that have done of the company Claas a revolutionary referent inside the agricultural world. The successors of the business legacy have wanted to surrender him a homage.

The place chosen, the Farmyard of the Comedy, a theatre of the 17th century, in the centrical square of Cervantes, in the hometown of the inventive ‘manco of Lepanto'. Happened the rays of sun of the midday, the organisers of the event gave us appointment to assist and be witnesses of the big business giant that had conformed the history during these one hundred years of Claas.

A year before retumbaran the drums of war in Europe, Augusto Claas, the second of four brothers and father founder of the company, had a successful vision of future and assuming the risks that supposed to ship in a so ambitious project, in a moment of unsteadiness and global uncertainty, at all prevented that it carried out his dream. The successful familiar company Claas was cream in 1913. The brothers Claas, Bernhard, the elder, Franz, the third, Teo, the benjamín, and of course,the visionario Augusto undertook his soberbio business.

Augusto transformed the company, happening to be a small familiar society to a global consortium, harvesting incessant successes during all his route. Augusto Claas died on 12 April 1982, with 94 years and prpers having buried already to all his brothers... But his legacy follows alive.


Pursue the dream, seal the success of Claas

Are many the companies that write with the dry ink and collapsed that leaves the bitter flavour of the run of the years in his history, but few are those that arrive to the summit of the merecimiento own turned into a milestone in the international agriculture as it has done it Claas.

The brothers Claas been cream in the farm paterna in the small region of Clarholz- Heeden, in Westfalia, pertaining to the young unified Germany, developed his senses in full nature, gave peak to his imagination, that drove them to a world of tools, of inventions and of trucks. It is here when the dream of the success of the future company begins to forge.

The anudador of straw will change the life of the four brothers

Augusto Claas developed an anudador of straw, a pajarito with an upper lip of mobility limited, with the flexibility with which endowed to the instrument facilitated the work with thread of tied of any type and thickness. It was a very sued product mainly after the shortage that had left the Great War. Then, the thread tied existent was of scarce quality, being therefore the invention of Claas a revolutionary and economic milestone in the agriculture.

Legendary anulador of Claas. (Source: Claas)

Legendary anulador of Claas. (Source: Claas).

The general director of Claas Iberian, José Ignacio Vega, affirmed during the celebration, with forcefulness, “are high but want to even more, go to do new ways”. With this statement inaugurated the act. Of equal form affirmed that Claas pretends to expand his offer of the conventional tractor.

 José Ignacio Vega, general director of Claas Iberian

 José Ignacio Vega, general director of Claas Iberian.

Positive approach and of confidence to the dealers

To the convention of dealers of Claas Iberian attended more than 120 people, as well as all his network of dealers. In Spain, Claas tops with the fact to be the mark by excellence in the market, since it has attained to be in the last 10 years the main available mark of cosechadoras final to customers in Spain. Likewise, Claas Iberian reinforces the idea of recovery of the agricultural markets and of exit of the current economic situation.

Delivered between the assistants a university band, under the lemma of 'V', doing like this reference to the form that has this typical attire of the tunos. The idea that wanted to transmit to the assistants was the one to be able to graduate successfully in the market, since inside two years also will fulfil the centenary of Claas Iberian. “Still there is a lot that do, expect you in the Paraninfo of Alcalá de Henares”.

All the asistenten lucieron a university band of Claas

All the asistenten lucieron a university band of Claas.

The director of Márketing of Claas Iberian, Arturo Brown, did the delivery of prizes –for having his installations with a complete external identification chord to the new requirements that sue the times–, to ‘Workshops Prague'; ‘Emilio Huertas Nicolás'; ‘Agricultural Menchero'; ‘Niarsa'; ‘Workshops Morcillo' of Don Benito (Badajoz); ‘Dolado Agro-industrial'; ‘Brothers García Clemente' and ‘Cubero Morón'.

José Ignacio Vega expressesed publicly his thought that “was the best reflection of 100 years of mark”. Helmut Claas Could not assist to the event but sent from Germany a detail, ‘The Cosechadora of Gold', which was collected by the family Roldán, an exceptional "customer" that carries working all a life with machines Claas. Later, the Mr. Vega read a letter that it had written on purpose Helmut Claas to the brothers Roldán: “I Appreciate to our partners that was possible this fact in our centenary.  To you, brothers Roldán, the same that to a lot of other customers, appreciate you your fidelity, wishing your triumph and successes”.

Delivers of the 'Cosechadora of gold'

Delivers of the 'Cosechadora of gold'.

During the act realizar a theatrical representation

During the act realizar a theatrical representation.

Finalised the act of inaguracíon, Claas offered to his invited a representation of the group of theatre that came from the Farmyard of Comedies of Almagro, in which the actors, ataviados with a clothing of the 17th century, interactuaban with the public assistant and did quotation to the centenary of Claas. Later it celebrated a food in The Hospedería of the Student, restaurant by antonomasia of Alcalá de Henares, where the king of Spain is used to to go to eat after the delivery of the Prizes Cervantes. During the sobremesa, the Fraternity of university students of the Tuna made pleasant the act with songs by all known. All a big celebration for a company with a lot of history and even more future.

The Tuna made pleasant the day singing a repertoire of popular songs

The Tuna made pleasant the day singing a repertoire of popular songs.

Related Companies or Entities

Claas Ibérica, S.A.

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#1 - mustapha
25/10/2013 23:22:16
compro todos emapacadora clas 55 -65 para exportador

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