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They begin to deliver the first tractors of the series 7 Agrotron in Spain


22 February 2013

After the presentation llevar in the Academy of Learning SDF in Toledo the past year 2012, where gave to know the new models of the Series 7, Deutz-Fahr has begun to deliver the first units sold to final customer. In this case, the photography corresponds to the delivery to Fernando Gutiérrez, of Farmyards of the Wine (Zamora), sold by the granting Tall. Bartolomé, effected the past 12 February. It tested with a rotary presses terracing in a finca of regadío, remaining very impressesed of the behaviour of the new tractor in the work of field.

The family Gutiérrez is customer of Deutz-Fahr for many years, being proprietary of 8 models: 6006, 6806, 7306, 610, Agrostar 631, Agrotron 200, an Agrotron TTV 430 and the new 7250 TTV Agrotron.


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