Marruecos 2004
27 de octubre de 2003
Los organizadorse del Congreso Int. de Citricultura, a realizarse del 15 al 20 de febrero 2004 en Agadir, han emitido el tercer comunicado, disponible, en inglés, en el texto expandido de esta noticia. Contiene las instrucciones para los autores, las fechas importantes, así como información general sobre el congreso y cómo inscribirse, clima, cómo viajar, etc.
Los organizadorse del Congreso Int. de Citricultura, a realizarse del 15 al 20 de febrero 2004 en Agadir, han emitido el tercer comunicado, disponible, en inglés, en el texto expandido de esta noticia. Contiene las instrucciones para los autores, las fechas importantes, así como información general sobre el congreso y cómo inscribirse, clima, cómo viajar, etc. Por más información: Ahmed Ait-Oubahou:
Theme of the congress :
"Qulity - The key to success en citriculture"
Instructions for authors
By the time the authors receive this Announcement, they should have all been informed of acceptance of their Abstracts and of the form of presentation of their contribution.
Oral and poster contributions will be published in the Proceedings Book. Detailed instructions for the preparation of the papers are given in the following sections.
General information
For publication in the Congress Proceedings, all papers must follow the instructions given below. They must be submitted in English, concisely written and limited to a maximum of 14 pages, double spaced except for the Abstract and Literature Cited which should be single spaced, using Times New Roman font with a 12 pitch character, a 'Portrait' page set up and a 'Justified' alignement including tables, figures and literature cited. When English is not their primary language, authors should obtain editorial assistance from their colleagues before submitting the Abstracts.
Editorial policy
As has been the case for previous ISC Congress Proceedings, manuscripts should conform to the editorial policies of the American Society for Horticultural Science. Authors of long or more highly technical papers are urged to follow the system of subheadings used in the J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. The less formal style without subheadings, as used in HortScience, is more suitable for short or less highly technical papers.
Manuscript Format and Submission
1. Paper size: A4 (210 mm x 297 mm).
2. Write only on one side of the sheet. Number each page consecutively in the upper right-hand corner.
3. Below paragraph headings (Material and Methods, Results, etc.) leave 3 spaces.
4. Authors are kindly requested to bring the Congress secretariat, no later than 16 February 2004, their manuscripts on a 3 1/2" diskette or on a CD using MS-Word 2000, XP, Millennium or 1998 accompanied by 2 hard copies of their manuscripts.
Contens of the Manuscript
1. Citation - At the top left of page 1, write Proc. Int. Soc. Citriculture, .............2004. omitting only in this case the page numbers. At the top right of same page, put the paper number given by the Sientific Committee.
2. Title - The title should be a precise and concise description of the contents of the paper and no longer than three typeset lines. Serial titles indicating a series of related papers are discouraged.
3. Authors - The name(s) of the author(s) (without professional titles) should be included on one line, with a concise mailing address of the institution(s) and the country, below. Write first the initial(s) of the first name(s) and then the surname(s) of the author(s). The name of the institution(s), the adress and the country must be written in italics. When authors are from separate institutions indicate the corresponding institution below each authors (see sample below).
4. Footnotes. All the footnotes (except for those in tables) relative to the author's acknowledgements, any grant sources and current address of the author(s) must be given on the title page. Do not use any other footnotes in the text.
5. Additional index words. A list of additional index words, not used in the title, must be given immediately below the address of the author(s). It includes species (common and scientific names), chemicals, physiological and pathological terms.
6. Abstract. The abstract should be clear, concise, and not exceed 5% of the length of the paper. The word Abstract must be the paragraph heading. Abstracts should be structured in such a way to include: a short introduction, a clear presentation of the purpose of the paper, a brief description of methods and procedures, and a summary of results and conclusions.
7. Introduction and literature review. These can well be combined and do not need a separate heading. In the introduction, the purpose of the work should be clearly and immediately stated without indicating the heading. The literature review should be kept as brief as possible. A previous paper having an appropriate literature review may be cited. Cite the name(s) of the author(s) and the year of publication in the text; the placement of parentheses depends on sentences structure, e.g.: one author Smith (1989) or (Smith, 1989); two authors Smith and Jones (1989) or (Smith and Jones, 1989); three or more authors: Smith et al. (1989) or (Smith et al., 1989). If the author(s) and years are identical for more than one reference, insert lowercase letters (in alphabetical sequence) after the year. For example: (Smith, 1989a; Smith, 1989b). Use semi colons to separate multiple references. List the references in alphabetical, not chronological order. For example: (Deng 1998, Johnson et al. 1972; Smith and Johnson, 1988).
8. Headings. Center and capitalize the first letter of words in the main headings of the paper: Materiels and Methods; Results; Discussion; and Literature Cited. Place subheads flush left on a separate line and capitalize the first word. Place side heads at the begining of paragraphs, in italics, with the first letter of the first word capitalized, and terminate with periods.
9. Matherial and Methods. Describe the methods, equipment and materials in general terms, in order to indicate how the research was conducted and to permit replication of the work. Avoid repetition of details that are highly technical and have been published previously.
10. Results and Discussion. Present Results and Discussion, together or separately, in the briefest and clearest form, and avoid presenting the same data in both graph and table.
11. Literarture cited. All literature citations should be listed in a section at the end of the paper. List references in alphabetical order; multiple citations of the same author(s) should be listed chronologically. Each citation should state author(s), date, title, publication, volume and page numbers in that order. Examples of commonly used litterature citation are given below:
PERIODICAL. Goldberg, D., B. Gornat and Y. Bar. 1971. The distribution of roots, water, and minerals as a result of trickle irrigation. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 96:645-648.
BOOK. Hartman, H.T., D.E. Kester, and F.T. Davies, Jr. 1990. Plant propagation: Principles and practices. 5th ed. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., USA.
BOOK CHAPTER. Brown, A.G. 1975. Apples, p. 3-37. In:J.Janick and J.N. Moore (eds.). Advances in fruit breeding. Purdue Univ. Press, West Lafayette, IN, USA.
THESIS OR DISSERTATION. Reeder, J.D. 1981. Nitrogen transformations in revegetated coal spoils. PhD diss., Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO, USA. (Diss. Abstr. 81-26447)
PROCEEDINGS. American Society for Horticultural Science. Tropical Region. 1974. Proc. XXII Annu. Mtg., Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 14-20 July 1974. (Proc. Trop. Reg. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 18)
BULLETIN. Rollins, H.A., F.S. Howlett, and E.H. Emmert. 1962. Factors affecting apple hardiness and methods of measuring resistance of tissue to low temperature injury. Ohio Agr. Expt. Sta. Res. Bul. 901.
ABSTARCT. Nesmith, W.C. and W.M. Dowler. 1973. Cold hardiness of peach trees as affected by certain cultural practices. HortScience 8:267. (Abstr.)
12. Scientific names and terms. They must be written in italics when used as scientific names and not when used as common names. The scientific name must be given with the authority, the first time the species is mentioned in the text. Cultivar names are always enclosed in single quotes, except for rootstocks. Long or cumbersome scientific terms should be used only with accepted abbreviations in parentheses; thereafter the abbreviation only is used, e.g.: 2,3,5-triiodo-benzoic-acid (TIBA). Where possible, both the full name and abbreviation should appear in the Abstract.
13. Dates and units of measurement. The dates should be written as follows: 15 February, 2004. All measurements should be given in the metric system, using symbols correctly, e.g. meter(m), gram(g), liter(l), hectare(ha); do not use units such as field box, pound, gallon, etc.
14. Tables and figures. Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively in different series of arabic numerals.
Each table and graph must be put on a separate page. Write the name of the author(s) at the top right hand corner. To identify tabular footnotes, use lowercase end-of-alphabet letters (sequence z,y,x). Headings for tables must be typed in lower case at the top of the tables. Capitalize only the first letter of the first word of each column and row heading. Photographs must be clear, glossy, black and white prints. They should be handled with care to preserve their quality and must be clipped to remove all extraneous matter, thus empahsing the subject to be illustrated. Type all captions on a separate page.
Size and boldness of lettering on figures should be gauged to legibility in the final size.
15. Italics. Use italics (do not underline) in the byline address in side heads, and for the scientific names of plants, latin expressions (except for in situ, in vivo, and in vitro), and descriptive foreign phrases. The abbreviations for common latin terms are not italicized (e.g., i.e., et al., vs., etc.).
Sample Paper n°.
Proc. Int. Soc. Citriculture, . 2004.
Early Prediction of Fruit Size at Harvest for 'Valencia' Orange [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] Using Experimental Data
J.E. Franco
Departamento de Biometría, Estadística y Computación
A. Gravina
Departemento de Producción Vegetal. Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay
Additional index words. Fruit growth, modeling
Abstract. Early prediction on fruit size at harvest is a useful tool to plan harvesting and commercial possibilities. Predictions are affected .................................................................
Literature Cited
Bain, J.M. 1958. Morphological and physiological changes in the developing fruit of the 'Valencia' orange [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck]. Aust. J. Bot. 6:1-24.
SAS/STAT. 1997. Software: Changes and enhancements through release. 6.12. Cary, NC. SAS Institute, Inc.
Yoder, O.C. 1981. Assay, p.45-78. In: R. D. Durbin (ed.). Toxins in plant disease. Academic Presss, New York.
The posters (size 90 cm wide x 120 cm high) will be numbered and grouped according to sections. The material is on display for the whole Congress duration. At stated times, the presenting author is requested to be present near his/her poster for comments and discussion. Scientific material can be taped or pinned on the boards. Material for hanging posters will be provided. The font should be large enough, Times New Roman font 36 to 40 is suitable for easy reading of the poster from a distance of 2 meters. For identification and the Abstract number put on the upper left corner it is recommended that a photograph of the presenting author be put at right the upper corners of the Abstract.
In the lecture rooms, 5x5 cm slide projectors and overhead projectors are provided.
In addition, each room has an LCD projector and a PC for oral presentations as Power Point diaporama. For logistic reasons, authors wishing to use slide or LCD presentations are kindly requested to bring their slides or their Power Point presentations on a CD and check in with the organizers and the Chairperson of their session and hand in their material a day before their scheduled presentation.
The duration of each presentation and the sequence of presentations must be respected by the presenting authors and the Chairs of the Sessions.
· Deadline for payment of registration fee : 1 November 2003
· Late registration : applies starting on 2 November 2003
· Removal of Abstracts from the Book of Program and Abstracts if registration fees are not paid by the presenting author : 1 Decembre 2003
· Submision of manuscripts : 16 February 2004
Period: Sunday 15 - Friday 20 February 2004
Venue: Centre des Congrès, Hôtel Dunes d'Or rue des Dunes, Agadir 80000, Morocco. Tel :212-48-840150, Fax : 212-48-840574
It is within walking distance from downtown and most hotels.
Agadir is located on the Atlantic coast, 500 km South of Casablanca. It has an international airport and is accessible by many direct flights from several major international airports. Also, Agadir is the main Moroccan destination for winter sunshine seekers.
The Congress Secretariat will provide a letter of invitation to any participant making such a request by writing to the Congress Secretariat with the necessary information. The invitation is, however, intended to help potential attendees to raise travel funds or to obtain a visa, and it is not a commitment on the part of the Congress to provide any financial support.
All overseas delegates must insure that they have a valid passport and the correct visa for entry to Morocco if it is required. Please check with Moroccan representation in your country.
Agadir and most of Morocco has a mild climate in February. In Agadir, temperatures range from 15°C to 26°C. Dress for the conference is casual comfortable clothing. Evenings can be cooler and traveling across the Atlas mountains for the Tours can be chilly and we suggest you bring a sweater/jacket.
Registration fees do not include insurance of any kind. It is strongly recommended that all delegates take out their own travel and medical insurance prior to coming to the Congress. The organizers will not take any responsibility for any participant failing to insure.
The official language of the Congress is English. Efforts are being made by the Organizing Committee to find funds for translation of the Opening Ceremony and Plenary Session and of the Plenary Symposium into French.
In order to participate, please complete and return the attached Registration Form and send the necessary payment. Registration Fee should be paid before 1 November 2003. Each delegate will be issued an official receipt and a registration number to use on arrival, at the Congress Registration Desk.
Registration payments sent by mail and postmarked after 1 November 2003 will be charged an additional fee. It is advised that no registration fees be sent after 15 January 2004 and persons who miss this deadline can pay and register at the Congress Registration Desk.
Received or postmarked
By 1 November 2003 After 1 November 2003
Full participantStudentzAccompanying person US$ 400US$ 200US$ 150 US$ 500US$ 260US$ 200
zpayment must be accompanied by certification from the student's advisor or tutor.
For full participant:
· Welcoming Reception and Farewell Dinner
· Participation to all scientific sessions
· Coffee-breaks during the Congress
· A Congress bag and a copy of the Abstract and Program book
· A copy of the Congress Proceedings
For students:
For their status to be valid, students must present a paper certifying that they are regular students at their respective universities.
· Welcoming Reception and Farewell Dinner
· Participation to all Scientific Sessions
· Coffee breaks during the Congress
· A Congress bag and a copy of the Abstract and Program book
For accompanying persons:
· Welcoming Reception and Farewell Dinner
· Participation to the Opening Session and Plenary Symposium
Accompanying persons are invited to participate in the Accompanying Persons Program for an additional fee (see following sections)
For registration, please use the Registration Form attached.
Registration fees must be paid in US dollars in one of the following ways:
· By Bank Swift (this is the most preferred way of payment): for confirmation, please attach a copy of the bank remittance to your Registration Form.
· By International Money Order or checks drawn on a U.S.Bank: payment should be attached to the Registration Form.
· Credit Card payments are only for on-site registration. Accepted cards are Visa, Master Card and American Express. Late Registration Fees apply, no exceptions.
The Bank information for the Congress Account is as follows:
· Name of Bank : Credit du Maroc
· Code of Bank : 021
· Branch Code : 010
· Name of Account : International Citrus Congress
· Account Number : 0000038015585001
· RIB Key : 47
· Swift Code : CDMAMAMC
· Address of Bank : Immeuble T, Avenue des FAR, Agadir 80.000, Morocco
Cancellation and refund:
· Cancellation received by 1 December 2003 - 80% refund
· Cancellation received from 2 December 2003 until 1 January 2004 - 60% refund
· Cancellation received after 1 January 2004 - no refund
1. When paying by swift trabsfer, please make sure the Bank transfer information spells out the name of the person(s) for whom the payment is made.
2. All remittance handling fees must be paid by the remitter.
3. Registration will be deemed incomplete without payment of the Registration Fee. No reservations are accepted.
4. If the remittance covers more than one person, please inform the Registration Secretariat of the names of each person.
5. Those who chose to register during the Congress must pay the Registration Fee in cash, or by Credit Card or traveller's checks at the Registration Desk, in which case late Registration Fees apply. Personal checks will not be accepted.
The Congress will include a trade show that will feature exhibitors who supply agricultural, scientific and educational products and equipment used in the citrus industry as well as citrus plant material and a fruit collection. This will provide an excellent opportunity for companies to present their innovations to the public and for the public to view products and discuss technical issues with company representatives. Detailed information will be supplied upon request to the Congress organizers. Contact:
The scientific program includes plenary sessions, symposia, poster presentations and workshops.
1- Breeding and plant improvement
Genetics and breeding, citrus genomics and biotechnology, plant improvement, rootstock development and production, varieties development and selection, molecular biology techniques in plant improvement, citrus propagation and nursery practices
2- Physiology & ecology
Photosynthesis, respiration, biochemistry, citrus requirements, flowering and productivity of citrus trees, biochemistry and physiology of fruit/tree, effect of various environmental conditions, manipulation of plant growth and development, soil and climatic stresses effects on citrus
3- Cultural practices
Orchard management, planting methods, spacing, density, orientation, nutrition and fertilization requirements, irrigation methods, requirements, etc., plant water relations and water efficiency, pruning, thinning, etc. and weed control.
4- Pests and Disease and their control
Identification and control, main citrus pests and their control, major citrus trees and fruit pathogens, chemical control, biological control and natural enemies, integrated pest management, main virus viroids and mycoplasma-like diseases, cryptogamic diseases, importance, symptoms, control, bacteria and bacteria-like diseases, nematodes, other diseases and pests, economic thresholds and monitoring systems, postharvest diseases and pests.
5- Postharvest physiology and technology
Postharvest physiology, postharvest technology, postharvest biotechnology/ molecular aspects, color and rind disorders, packinghouse operations and degreening, residues, coatings, packages.
6- Quality management
Quality systems, EurepGap, BRC, HACCP, ISO, etc., quality management and assurance, certification of postharvest facilities, safety issues and concerns in fresh and processed citrus.
7- Economics, trade and marketing
Citrus production and marketing, characterization of the main markets and consumers preference, production costs, postharvest costs.
8- Processing and biochemistry of citrus products
Processing technologies including lightly processed fruit, packaging, transportation
quality and marketing aspects, citrus by products and human health benefits
The oral sessions will be organized in the form Plenary Session, Workshops, and Symposia:
1. Citrus genomics: current status and prospects.
2. Citrus biotechnology: advances and current challenges.
3. Postharvest rind quality
4. Climate and other environmental factors and crop physiology and production
5. Water deficit stress and irrigation management
6. Citrus nutrition for sustainable fruit production
7. Salinity effect on citrus physiology/salinity management
8. Citrus research and development: past, present and future: opportunities for cooperation in a changing world
9. Insects/mites/nematodes and their control
10. Fungal disease and their control
11. Development of new rootstocks and scions: current research and challenges
12. Crop regulation through manipulation of growth and development
13. Postharvest symposium
14. Symposium coatings/workshop
15. Plenary symposium
16. Symposium: organic citrus production
17. Bacteria/diseases and their control
18. Postharvest physiology and pathology
19. Nursery and plant propagation
20. Economics, trade and marketing: current trends and challenges issues
21. Virus and virus-like diseases
22. Fruit composional changes, processing, biochemistry and human health benefits/citrus waste
23. Fruit fly management
24. Symposium on clementine: a special fruit
PRE-CONGRESS TOUR 1 [PRE 1]: 8-14 February 2004
PRE-CONGRESS TOUR 2 [PRE 2]: 10-14 February 2004
PRE-CONGRESS TOUR 3 [PRE 3]: 10-14 February 2004
All Day Arrival and Registration
Afternoon Opening ceremony
Evening Get-Together Reception
Morning Registration (continued)
Scientific Sessions
Afternoon Scientific Sessions
Morning Registration (Cont'd)
Scientific Sessions
Afternoon Scientific Sessions
Mid-Congress tours
Morning Registration (Cont'd)
Scientific Sessions
Afternoon Scientific Sessions
Evening Farewell dinner
Presentation of the host of the XI Congress in 2008
Morning Registration (Cont'd)
Plenary Symposium
Closing Sessions
POST-CONGRESS TOUR 1 [POST 1]: 21-25 February 2004
POST-CONGRESS TOUR 2 [POST 2]: 21-28 February 2004
For further information please contact:
Secretariat/10th International Citrus Congress
B.P. 728
Agadir 80000
Telephone: +212-48-248892/240155/241006
Fax: +212-48-248892/242243
Please complete and return this form, together with your payment, to:
10th International Citrus Congress
B.P. 728, Agadir 80.000, Morocco
Tel: 212 48 248892 or 212 48 240155 or 212 48 241006
Fax: 212 48 248892 or 212 48 242243
E-mail: or
Please complete this section accurately; the information you provide will allow us to correspond with you efficiently, and it will also be used for your delegate badge at the Congress.
Participant (Please TYPE or PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS)
Surname Initials
First name
Title € Prof. € Dr. € Mr. € Mrs. € Ms.
Address for List of Participants:
Institution Department
No. Street Suite/Apt.
City State/Province Postal Code Country
Tel (office hours): Country code/city code/number Fax: Country code/city code/number
Mailing Address if Different From Above:
No. Street Suite/Apt.
City State/Province Postal Code Country
Accompanying persons
List only those individuals registering for the Accompanying Persons' Program:
Surname First name Title
Surname First name Title
Surname First name Title
Registration Fees
Please check the appropriate box/es
Until1 November 2003 From 1 November 2003 Number of persons Total in US$
Full participantStudentAccompanying person 400 US$ 200 US$ 150US$ 500 US$ 250US$ 200 US$ ……..…….……. ……..……..……..
Please indicate amount enclosed and ensure that you send fully completed registration form together with your payment.
Total Fees: US$____________________
Method of Payment
Option 1 - Bank Swift- If payment is made for more than one person or by a company, please make sure all names are indicated and send fully completed registration forms together with a copy of the bank transfer. Please make drafts payable to: International Citrus Congress 2004. Bank charges are the responsibility of the payee and should be paid at source in addition to the registration fees.
Option 2 - International money order and checks drawn on a U.S. Bank should be made payable to International Citrus Congress 2004. No personal checks please.
Option 3: Credit Card - Payments will be charged in US $ (for payment at the Congress Registration Desk only)
Please include fully completed registration form.
Date __________________________________________ Signature __________________________________________
The following is the listing of hotels and corresponding daily rates. Prices shown are on half board basis and include Bed + Breakfast + 1 Meal. The hotels are all within walking distance. They all have beach front except for Tivoli and Atlantic Palace. They all have swimming pools and are within walking distance from the Congress Center which is part of les Dunes d'Or Hotel. No reservation will be confirmed in the absence of a deposit. Hotel assignment will be made on a first-come, first-served basis. For reservations and payments please use the Form attached.
Hotel Price in US dollars per person per day (Half board)
Single occupancy Double occupancy
Atlantic Palace (5*L)Palais des Roses (5*)Millenium Hotel (5*)Dunes d'Or (4*)Agadir (4*) Beach ClubAmadil Beach (4*)Hotel Tivoli (4*) 1601201201051058570 110858575757050
Upon arrival, congress participants will be met by Congress hostesses speaking at least 3 languages including English and French. Transfer from the airport to the hotels will be provided by the Congress travel agency "Atlantica Tourisme et Voyages" with a fee of 20 US$ per person. For reservation and payments, please use the Form attached.
Tours and accompanying person program have been arranged with "Atlantica Tourisme et Voyages". The following are the program and costing of each activity. Reservation and payments should be made to:
''Atlantica Tourisme et Voyages SARL''
Immeuble HBM
Impasse Avenue General Kettani
80000 Agadir, Morocco
Tel : +212-48-844005/844017
Fax: +212-48-843779
E-mail: /
Bank Account:
Banque Commerciale du Maroc, Avenue Hassan II, Agadir 80.000, Maroc
Account name: Atlantica Tourisme & Voyages
Account N° : 184 E 000144
RIB key: 007 010 0000001845000144 02
Swift Code : BCMAMAMC
The pre-congress tours will go through the Gharb, the Tadla and the Haouz citrus regions. The Gharb region is located at " 150\1km\2North of Casablanca with some 20.000 ha of citrus. It has some of the oldest citrus groves with the largest blood orange area of the country. It is also known for its production of fodder and field crops, sugar cane, sugar beet, rice and oil seed plants. It is considered the wettest citrus producing region of Morocco and has a relatively high humidity throughout the year.
The Tadla (Beni Mellal is the capital city of the region) is known for its excellent eating quality citrus and grows mainly oranges. It also produces fodder, sugar beet and various horticultural crops. It has a continental climate with hot dry summers and wet cold winters. It is located in the foothills of the High and Middle Atlas mountains.
The Haouz region (Marrakech is the capital city) is the driest and hottest citrus growing region of Morocco located in the northern foothills of the High Atlas mountains. It is a deciduous fruit and olive producing area but also produces citrus, mainly oranges and other horticultural crops.
Besides the technical visits, the tours will also include visits to the historic sites in Casablanca, Rabat, Meknès, Fès, Marrakech.
Sunday 8 February2004
Registrants check-in at the Hotel, Casablanca.
Tour orientation in the evening.
Overnight in Casablanca
Monday 9 February 2004
Depart for a visit to the Hassan II mosque
Proceed to the city of Rabat, the capital of Morocco.
Visit citrus propagation and plant phytosanitary evaluation units. Visit the historic sites of Rabat.
Overnight in Rabat.
Tuesday 10 February 2004
Depart for the Gharb region.
Visit to the Citrus Experiment Station and to citrus groves.
Overnight in Fez.
Wednesday 11 February 2004
Site-seeing in the city of Fez
Overnight in Fez
Thursday 12 February 2004
Depart for the Haouz region.
Travel through the Middle Atlas and the Tadla region.
Overnight in Marrakech.
Friday 13 February 2004
Visit to fruit tree plantings including citrus deciduous and olive.
Visit Marrakech Medina and other historic sites.
Overnight in Marrakech (with a special live show at dinner)
Saturday 14 February 2004
Depart for Agadir
Check-in at hotels in Agadir
Costing (per person)
Single occupancy : 850 USD
Double occupancy: 700 USD
Cost includes:
· Transportation a luxury air-conditioned coach.
· Citrus experts for technical visits and tourist guide for cultural program on board.
· Accommodation in 3* or 4* establishments.
· Full board starting with the dinner of 8 February 2004 and ending with the lunch of 14 February 2004.
· Entry fees to all historic monuments planned in the itinerary.
· Porterage at hotels.
The tour will depart from Casablanca, the economic capital of Morocco and proceed of to Rabat the administration capital of the country and the Haouz (Marrakech is the capital) horticulture region. The tour will end in Agadir with a detour to the Atlantic city of Essaouira an ancient Phoenician city baptized "Mogador" by the Portuguese. Visits are planned to citrus and other fruit and vegetable sites as well as to historical monuments.
Tuesday 10 February 2004
Registrants check-in at the Hotel, in Casablanca.
Tour orientation in the evening.
Overnight in Casablanca
Wednesday 11 February 2004
Depart for Rabat
Visit the citrus propagation and plant phytosanitary units in Rabat, the capital of Morocco
Visit the historic sites of Rabat
Overnight in Casablanca
Thursday 12 February 2004
Visit the Hassan II mosque in Casablanca
Depart for the Haouz region
Visit to historic sites in Marrakech
Overnight in Marrakech
Friday 13 February 2004
Visit to citrus and deciduous tree plantings and collection
Overnight in Marrakech (with a special live show at dinner)
Saturday 14 February 2004
Depart for Agadir via Essaouira through the Argan forest
Check-in at hotels in Agadir
Costing (per person)
Single occupancy : 650 USD
Double occupancy: 550 USD
Cost includes:
· Transportation a luxury air-conditioned coach.
· Citrus experts for technical visits and tourist guide for cultural program on board.
· Accommodation in 3* or 4* establishments.
· Full board starting with the dinner of 10 February 2004 and ending with the lunch of 14 February 2004.
· Entry fees to all historic monuments planned in the itinerary.
· Porterage at hotels.
The tour will depart from Casablanca and proceed through the inland region of Chaouia, the grainary of Morocco, into the phosphate plateaux of Khouribga and then to the Tadla plain. The Tadla has various fruit and vegetable production, sugar beet and cotton fields. Visits are also planned to landmarks and historical sites including the city of Marrakech.
Tuesday 10 February2004
Registrants check-in at the Hotel, in Casablanca.
Wednesday 11 February 2004
Visit to the Hassan II mosque and the historic Casablanca
Proceed through the inland plateaux of phosphate with a visit to a phosphate unit in Khouribga
Overnight in Beni Mellal
Thursday 12 February 2004
Visit the Bin El-Ouidane Dam, citrus orchards, and the agricultural perimeter of the Tadla
Overnight in Marrakech
Friday 13 February 2004
Visit to citrus and other horticulture plantings of the Haouz region
Overnight in Marrakech (with a special live show at dinner)
Saturday 14 February 2004
Visit to the historic sites of Marrakech
Depart for Agadir through the Argan forest and High Atlas mountains
Check-in at hotels in Agadir
Costing (per person)
Single occupancy : 650 USD
Double occupancy: 550 USD
Cost includes:
· Transportation a luxury air-conditioned coach.
· Citrus experts for technical visits and tourist guide for cultural program on board.
· Accommodation in 3* or 4* establishments.
· Full board starting with the dinner of 10 February 2004 and ending with the lunch of 14 February 2004.
· Entry fees to all historic monuments planned in the itinerary.
· Porterage at hotels.
Wednesday 11 February 2004
The tours will concentrate on the Souss region (Agadir is its capital city). This region has more than 30% of the total citrus acreage of Morocco and produces about 50% of the total citrus production of the country. It also produces many other fruits and early vegetables as a consequence of its mild winter climate. It is limited by the High Atlas in the North, the Anti-Atlas in the South and East and the Atlantic ocean in the West. Its main economic sectors are horticulture, fisheries and tourism. Water constitutes the major limiting factor for agriculture development in this region.
All tours depart the Congress center at 8.00 A.M. and conclude at the same point at the end of the day. During the visits, participants will see nurseries certified to produce virus-free citrus trees, and citrus plantings of various varieties and using up-to-date technologies and good agricultural practices. Participants will also see packinghouses, cold stores and laboratories using modern techniques and management strategies. An insight into the history of the region will also be given.
Costing (per person) :
60 US$ includes lunch, transportation and guided visits
These tours are mostly cultural but also include some technical aspects related to agricultural production in the desert and mountains.
It will depart from Agadir and proceed East along the Souss river through the Argan forest and the city of Taroudant. On its way, the tour will climb the High Atlas mountains with the temperate-zone horticulture and with specialty crops such as saffron and henna. Kasbahs with date palm groves and oases horticulture will also be seen by participants as the tour goes through the city of Ouarzazate to the desert city of Zagora. The tour will end in the red city of Marrakech with visits to its historical monuments and insight into the traditional local cookery and various handmade art works.
Saturday 21 February 2004
Trip Agadir-Taroudant-Ouarzazate
The Kasbahs and berber villages on route
Overnight in Ouarzazate
Sunday 22 February 2004
Oases horticulture, date palm variety trial, desert experience
Overnight in Ouarzazate
Monday 23 February 2004
High Atlas mountain road scenery
Visits to citrus and other fruit tree plantations in the Marrakech area
Overnight in Marrakech
Tuesday 24 February 2004
Site-seeing and cultural program in Marrakech
Overnight in Marrakech (with a special live show at dinner)
Wednesday 25February 2004
Transfer to Marrakech airport where the tour ends
Costing (per person) :
Single occupancy : 650 USD
Double occupancy: 550 USD
Cost includes:
· Transportation in a luxury air-conditioned coach.
· Citrus experts for technical visits and tourist guide for cultural program on board.
· Accommodation in 3* or 4* establishments.
· Full board starting with the dinner of 21 February 2004 and ending with the lunch of 25 February 2004.
· Entry fees to all historic monuments planned in the itinerary.
· Porterage at hotels.
The tour will depart from Agadir and will go to Errachidia through Ouarzazate and Dades valley. Visits are planned to historical sites and site-seeing of the palm groves, berber villages and kasbahs. It will be an opportunity to taste local cookery and see various handmade items. The tour will proceed through the Middle Atlas to the city of Fez, the spiritual capital of Morocco where visits are planned to see the medina and historical monuments. On the way to Rabat, the administrative capital of Morocco, lies the city of Meknes with its long history. In Rabat, visits are planned to the Oudaya and Chellah gardens with hundreds of years of history and to the Hassane Tour and Mohamed V Mausoleum. The tour will end in Casablanca with a visit to the great Hassan II mosque sitting on the Atlantic Ocean.
Saturday 21 February 2004
Overnight in Ouarzazate
Sunday 22 February 2004
Ouarzazate-Tineghir-Gorges du Todra
Oasis horticulture, the Kasbahs
Overnight in Ouarzazate
Monday 23 February 2004
Depart to Zagora: visit date palm trials and collections
Tuesday 24 February 2004
Zagora-Alnif-Erfoud: Sand dunes-desert experience
Overnight in Ouarzazate
Wednesday 25 February 2004
Trip Erfoud-Errachidia-Fez over the Anti-Atlas
Overnight in Fez
Thursday 26 February 2004
Cultural program in Fez
Friday 27 February 2004
Trip Fez-Rabat
Cultural program in Rabat
Saturday 28 February 2004
Transfer to Casablanca airport where the tour ends
Costing (per person) :
Single occupancy : 900 USD
Double occupancy: 750 USD
Cost includes:
· Transportation a luxury air-conditioned coach.
· Citrus experts for technical visits and tourist guide for cultural program on board.
· Accommodation in 3* or 4* establishments.
· Full board starting with the dinner of 21 February 2004 and ending with the lunch of 28 February 2004.
· Entry fees to all historic monuments planned in the itinerary.
· Porterage at hotels.
Sunday 15 February 2004
Afternoon: Opening ceremony (cost included in the Registration Fee)
Evening: Get-together reception (cost included in the Registration Fee)
Monday 16 February 2004 (Afternoon)
Afternoon: Visit the Agadir Oufella Kasbah (fort), the fishing port and the Complexe Artisanal of Agadir
(Costing = 15 US$/person)
Tuesday 17 February 2004
Visit the berber cities of Tiznit and Tafraout (170 Km from Agadir) where some of the nicest silver jewelleries and handmade berber items are founds. The Anti-Atlas scenery is unforgettable with its rock formation in various forms and colors. Its villages and the way the houses are built adds to the whole landscape of the Argan forest.
(Costing = 60US$/person including lunch)
Wednesday 18February 2004
Mid-congress tours
(Costing = 60 US$ including lunch)
Thursday 19 February 2004
Visit to Essaouira (170 Km North of Agadir), an ancient Phoenician city on the Atlantic ocean, baptized "Mogador" by the Portuguese, is the cradle of many artists of various art types. It has an important fishing port and is known for its handmade wood crafts.
Evening: Farewell dinner (cost included in the Registration Fee)
(Costing = 60 US$/person including lunch)
Reservations and deposits for hotels and payments for Tours, Airport Transfers and
Accompanying Persons Program should be made using the attached Form and sent to :
Address of the travel agency:
Atlantica Tourisme et Voyages SARL
Immeuble HBM
Impasse Avenue General Kettani
80000 Agadir, Morocco
Tel : +212-48-844005/844017
Fax: +212-48-843779
E-mail: /
Bank Account:
Banque Commerciale du Maroc, Avenue Hassan II, Agadir 80.000, Maroc
Account name : Atlantica Tourisme & Voyages
Account N° : 184 E 000144
RIB key: 007 010 0000001845000144 02
Swift Code : BCMAMAMC
''Atlantica Tourisme et Voyages'' SARL
Immeuble HBM
Impasse Avenue General Kettani
80.000 Agadir
Tel : +212-48-844005/844017
Fax : +212-48-843779
E-mail :
Please complete this section accurately; the information you provide will allow us to correspond with you efficiently.
Participant (Please TYPE or PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS)
Title € Prof. € Dr. € Mr. € Mrs. € Ms.
Surname …………………………….…………… First name ………………………………………………….………
Department ………………………………………Institutional Affiliation …………………….…………………..………
Mailing address ……………….....…………………………………………………………………………………………..
City……………………… State/Province………………………….Postal Code…………..Country………..……….……
Tel (Country code/city code/number) ……………………….. Fax: (Country code/city code/number) ……………………..
E-mail address ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Type of room required € Single € Double* € Number of rooms…………….. € Other ……………
First Choice Hotel …………………………………. Second Choice Hotel ……………………...……………………….
Check In date………………………….. Check out date………………………… Total night…………………………...
*I will share my accommodation with:
Surname …………………………………………….. First Name ………………………………………….….
Total amount for payment/deposit in US$ (1) …………………………………….…………………………………
Tour chosen Type of room Number of persons Amount
………………………………….. Single ……………………… ……………………….. ………………………..
*Double ……………………… ………………………. ………………………….
Total amount in US$ (2) ………………………………………………………………………………………………...
MID CONGRESS TOUR (all day includes a tour and Lunch; Wednesday 18 February 2004)
Tour chosen : …………………………………. Number of persons : ………………………………………………….
Total amount (3): …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Tour chosen Type of room Number of persons Amount
…………………………………. Single ……………………… …………………………. …………………………..
*Double ……………………. …………………………. …………………………..
Total amount in US$ (4) …………………………………………………………………………………………………...
*For double rooms, please check one:
- my roommate is ……………………. Pre-Congress Tour ………………. Post-Congress Tour …………….
- Please assign me a roommate: Pre-Congress Tour …………. Post-Congress Tour ………….
- I wish to room with : …… male ……Female ……. Smoker …….. non Smoker
- Other comments: ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Arrival to Agadir:
Date: ……………………. Airline/Flight: …………………….. At hours: ……………………………………..
Departure from Agadir:
Date: ……………………. Airline/Flight: ……………………….. At hours: ……………………………………..
Number of persons : ……………………………………………………………………………………..…………………
Total amount in US$ (5): ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Surname ……………...……… First name ………………………………… Program chosen…………………………
Surname ……………..……… First name ………………………… Program chosen………………………….………
Total amount in US$ (6): ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
(1) + (2) + (3) + (4) + (5) + (6) = …………………………………………………………………………………………
Account name: Atlantica Tourisme et Voyages
Bank name : Banque Commerciale du Maroc, Avenue Hassan II, 80.000 Agadir, Morocco
Account number : 184E000144
RIB Key: 007 010 0000001845000144 02
Swift Code: BCMAMAMC
Date ……………………………. Signature ………………………………………………………………
Passport Number (if available) ……………………………………………………………………………….