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De uso como envasado protector y laboratorios de investigación

Contenedor de plástico reutilizable para atmósfera modificada

Horticom News27/12/2002

27 de diciembre de 2002

SLX (Shelf Life eXtender) International, Inc. fabrica un centenedor de plástico reutilizable donde se puede crear una atmósfera modificada que genera un ambiente protector. Por su precio, uno de los usos puede ser para laboratorios, en sustitución de las cámaras de ensayos. Más información en la web http://www.slxinc.com y en el texto expandido.

SLX (Shelf Life eXtender) International, Inc. manufactures a
Reusable Plastic Container using Modified Atmospheric Packaging to provide a
protected and controlled environment; and thereby prolong the "just-picked"
freshness of produce. Some of the highlights of the system are:

· A tough, durable, lightweight and 100% reusable shipping container
designed to transport perishable and delicate products worldwide.

· Constructed of FDA approved, high impact ABS plastic and designed to
replace environmentally unfriendly one-time use cardboard boxes.

· Hermetically seals in perishable goods to retain moisture and lock out
harmful contaminants.

· Modification of the atmosphere inside the container through the use of
gases found in nature (i.e., oxygen, carbon dioxide and/or nitrogen)
provides the following benefits:

Ø Extend high quality shelf-life
Ø Inhibit microbial growth
Ø Reduce moisture loss and product shrinkage
Ø Control biochemical and enzymatic action to retard degradation and
Ø Protect natural flavor, color and texture
Ø Provide a more natural fumigation through the MAP process

For R&D labs in the academic, government and commercial sectors the SLX container used as test chamber might be an attractive alternative for economic and the following reasons:

1. It is an RPC with MAP/CA capacities.
2. Four Schrader valves are available for atmosphere modification and as an
interface to various atmospheric measuring devices.
3. An "iButton" provides for measuring and storing temperature readings and
other data.
4. The $125 price for the SLX MAP container is justified compared to the
cost for commercially available test chambers or the effort expended to
develop one on an ad hoc basis.

This information is based on the e-mail sent by Mr. George M. del Campo, Vice President - Sales of SLX International, Inc., to the International Postharvest Mailing list of Allan Woolf.