Comunicación - Ferias y congresos Info Comunicación - Ferias y congresos

Brisbane, Australia

La conferencia bianual sobre poscosecha


26 de diciembre de 2002

Del 1 al 4 de octubre tendrá lugar la Australasian Postharvest Horticulture Conference. Los temas a tratar: suministro a cadenas de supermercados, calida, procesamiento y seguridad alimentaria, alimentos funcionales y nutrición, tecnología poscosecha, cuarentena y desinfección, genómica y biología molecular y bioconrol y patología vegetal. Más información en inglés.

Australasian Postharvest Horticulture Conference
1 - 4 October 2003
Brisbane, Australia

Conference Outline

The biennial Australasian Postharvest Horticulture Conference will be held on October 1-4th 2003 in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The conference seeks to bring together researchers and industry groups involved in all aspects of postharvest research.

Sessions will focus on specific postharvest issues, as well as scientific developments within the postharvest sector:

Ø Supply chain issues
Ø Postharvest quality
Ø Fresh processing and food safety
Ø Functional foods and nutrition
Ø Postharvest technology
Ø Quarantine and disinfestation
Ø Genomics and molecular biology
Ø Biocontrol and plant pathology

Supply chain Workshop
The conference will be preceded by an on-site workshop entitled "R&D Delivery in the Postharvest Supply-chain" (free entry to conference delegates). This workshop will bring together significant industry participants.

Conference Format
The conference will comprise invited speakers and sessions on selected topics, with both general oral and poster sessions. The number of oral presentations will be restricted and we encourage the submission of posters where appropriate. The format will foster informal interaction between participants.

A book of abstracts will be available at the conference. Full proceedings will be published electronically.

Conference Venue
The conference will be held at the Carlton Crest Hotel in the heart of Brisbane city. The beautiful Brisbane River is a central feature throughout the city and its surrounds, with the waterway and Southbank parklands well utilised. Brisbane is within easy driving distance of both the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast beaches, and with the Brisbane International Airport linking most major tourist destinations.

Special rates have been arranged with the Carlton Crest Hotel for conference guests. Details will be available in the registration brochure.

A second announcement with further details and the registration form will be sent in February 2003. Numbers of attendees could be restricted.

To receive the registration booklet and call for papers, please return this form by 31st January to:

Sally Brown Conference Connections
PO Box 108, KENMORE Qld 4069 Australia
Telephone +61 7 3201 2808 Fax +61 7 3201 2809
First Name

State Post Code
Phone ___________________ Fax _________________

I wish to submit:
q An oral paper
q A poster

Subject category:
q Supply chain issues
q Postharvest quality
q Fresh processing and food safety
q Functional foods and nutrition
q Postharvest technology
q Quarantine and disinfestation
q Genomics and molecular biology
q Biocontrol and plant pathology

Post-conference Tour
q I would be interested in attending a day tour to Tropical Fruit World and the Gold Coast

Organising Committee
Dr Tim O'Hare (Convenor)
Mr Rod Jordan (Treasurer)
Dr Donald Irving
Dr Steven Underhill
Mr John Bagshaw
Mr Lung Wong
Mr Larry Cooper

Important Deadlines

Call for abstracts (2nd Announcement) - Feb 2003
Deadline for abstracts - 1st April 2003
Notification to authors - 31st May 2003
Earlybird registration discount - 31st July 2003 Speaker's registrations required - 31st July 2003
Accommodation bookings required - 31st July 2003
Electronic manuscripts required - 31st August 2003
Postharvest Conference - 1-4th October 2003

Additional information will be posted on the conference website
as it becomes available

Questions relating to the conference can be directed to:

Ms Sally Brown
PO Box 108, KENMORE Qld 4069 Australia
Telephone +61 7 3201 2808
Fax +61 7 3201 2809