Taller de trabajo de Eurep Gap en Madrid
21 de julio de 2002
Los días 9 y 10 de septiembre 2002 se lleva acabo un encuentro para revisar el Protocolo de Buenas Prácticas Agrícolas desarrollado por Eurep; la convocatoria, cuyo texto completo está, en inglés, en el texto expandido, busca reunir a todos los operadores del sector frutas y hortalizas para compartir experiencias. El programa y formulario de registro están en www.avantel.de/eurepgap
EUREPGAP Protocol Review Workshop 09/10 September 2002 in Madrid
- Listen to first-hand experience in implementing the EUREPGAP Protocol!
- Utilize the unique opportunity for members to contribute to the
revision process
- Meet our TSC members and discuss with them your ideas and proposals
for sound modifications to the EUREPGAP Protocol Fruit and Vegetables
- participate in the 2002-member networking event
The two-day EUREPGAP Review Workshop to be held in Madrid in September
2002 will specifically address 3 major areas of interest:
a. Food Safety/Hygiene and on farm HACCP
Moderated by Prof. Lise Korsten, Pretoria University, RSA
b. Sustainable, Environmental Issues
Moderator tba
c. Social Standards / Worker Welfare
Moderated by Johann Zueblin, Responsible QA, Migros, Switzerland
See program and registration: www.avantel.de/eurepgap
Official proposals can be submitted until AUGUST 15 and will be handed
out to all participants. Participants have the opportunity to justify
and defend their proposal in the workshop discussion.
After receiving the registration, we will send the standard form for
Best regards
Dr. Kristian Möller
Secretary EUREP
Managing Director
Spichernstr. 55
D- 50672 Koeln (Cologne)
tel: +49-(0)2 21-5 79 93-38
fax: +49-(0)2 21-5 79 93-45
e-mail: moeller@foodplus.org