Simposio sobre seguridad e higiene en diciembre 2003
31 de octubre de 2002
Del 7 al 12 de diciembre 2003 se llevará a cabo en Agadir, Marruecos, el Simposio Internacional sobre Seguridad e Higiene en Frutas y Hortalizas en Fresco y Procesadas. Más información puede obtenerse en el texto completo, que envían los organizadores, en inglés.
El texto difundido a través de International PostHarvest Mailing List, posth@hra1.marc.cri.n, de Allan Woolf, y firmado por M'Barek Fatmi,, es el siguiente:
In the tradition of previous excellent Postharvest Conferences,
and on behalf the organising committee It's my great pleasure to
invite you to attend and participate in the International
Symposium on Safety and Sanitation of Fresh and Processed Fruit
and Vegetables, to be held in Agadir, Morocco from December 7-12,
2003. This Symposium will provide an opportunity to present
research and exchange ideas on recent trends and problems in
postharvest biology and technology with an emphasis on
maintaining quality and food safety of fresh and processed
produce. Agadir, a green jewel in the desert with a rich culture,
and beautiful sandy beaches is a perfect place to combine science
with leisure. It is a modern city and provides a perfect setting
for hosting an international conference. Morocco is a major
exporter of fresh produce and this conference will provide an
excellent opportunity to discuss problems associated with the
production and export of fresh produce.
To receive the second annoucement and include you in our mailing
list please fill out the pre-registration form and send it as
soon as possible. The pre-registration form can be downloaded
from the web site shown below:
More detail can be found at: