Hertell, S.Coop. - Bombas de vacío

Hertell Serie KD

Depresores: of 3.000 to 14.000 l/min

Picture of Depresores
The range of depresores Hertell model KD covers of the 3.000 to 14.000 l/min and are designed for the setting in any cisterna of empty.

To stand out that the body of the depressesant is done in smelting nodular GGG-60, thrice more resistant that the usual grey smelting. This material guarantees the impossibility of break in case of blockade. Besides, the inner rotor is hollow and is balanced.

The reduction of weight favours the saving in the consumption of power and reduces significantly the inertias.

One of the characteristics of the depresores Hertell is the low level of noise reduced to the rear disposal of the distributor. This design of the depressesant allows the manipulation of the crowbar of empty change/pressesure the most move# away of the taking of strength.

Finally, review that all the depresores are provistos of bomb of grease, to guarantee the lubricación, so much in phase of empty as of pressesure. Each one of the units of depresores KD are testadas in the bank of proofs before being sent to destination.