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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La ventana de madera seduce a los arquitectos andaluces
Fourth edition of the Campus Shows on the wooden Window in the Edificación

The wooden window seduces to the Andalusian architects

Editorial Interempresas06/02/2012

6 February 2012

The Campus Shows on the wooden Window in the Edificación gathered the past 26 January, in the Foundation Fidas of Seville, to a hundred of architects interested in knowing the technology of manufacture, finishing and maintenance that wraps to this typology of closing in the actuality.

The Spanish Association of Manufacturers of wooden Windows and Wood-Aluminium (Shows) continues with his project of itinerant promotion of this product between the prescriptores of all the country. The Campus Shows visited in 2011 the squares of Barcelona, Madrid and Mallorca, and this year has premièred in the headquarters of Fidas (Foundation for the Investigation and Diffusion of the architecture in Seville), in front of one hundred architects arrived of several provinces of Andalucia. The day was sponsored by two prestigious Andalusian manufacturers of wooden windows: Torinco (of Pedro Abad, Córdoba) and Quero (of Married, Málaga).

A hundred of Andalusian architects assisted to the 4ª edition of the Campus Shows on the wooden Window in the Edificación...
A hundred of Andalusian architects assisted to the 4ª edition of the Campus Shows on the wooden Window in the Edificación.

“Want to give back the wood to the place of the that went out without wanting to –entered Javier Torrero, manager of Torinco, S.L. And moderador of the day-. The normative changes prepare a stage of high exigencia regarding energetic efficiency in the buildings (the program 2020 of the EU), and avecinan new forms to build where the wooden window goes by in front”.

In effect, the gap of a window is an element of regulation of light, but also of cold and heat. The standards of exigencia of thermal sensors transmittance in Spain are very underneath with regard to other European countries. “Progressively these registers will go equating, and the wooden window is the ideal solution to fulfil with them, thanks to the inherent provision to this material, and to the formidable technology that today surrounds to the carpentry industrialised”, affirmed Javier Torrero.

Marked CE and CTE

The wooden window manufactured by the members of Shows fulfils to perfection the valid rule (CTE). Likewise, the Marked CE that incorporates his product guarantees to the customer the coverage of all the exigencias minimum, and indicates until where can arrive the provision of the window, allowing at the same time his free commercialisation in the EU. In fact, it is not possible to install wooden windows without Marked CE.

José Antonio Alba: “The architects are responsible of everything, and have to know of everything. But the industrial can be ours better teacher...
José Antonio Alba: “The architects are responsible of everything, and have to know of everything. But the industrial can be ours better teacher.”

José Palaces, manager of Show, explained in brief to his auditsorium the process to be followed to obtain the Marked CE, as well as the details of the documentation that a prescriptor can demand to his provider of enclosures.

With regard to the CTE, the speaker coincided with the moderador in that, in the actuality, the level of thermal sensors transmittance is little demanding in Spain. “The aim is his convergence with Europe (1,6 < W/m2K<2,2) –it announced-. The wooden window, with little effort, fulfils and improves the greater thresholds of thermal sensors transmittance demanded in countries like Germany. With a triple glass could reach a value between 0,9 and 1,2 W/m2K.”

With regard to the isolation to the noise, as it Shows, the wooden window also possesses a competitive advantage with regard to the manufactured with other materials, had to mainly to his hygroscopic composition, reaching upper isolations to 50 dB (the CTE demands a level of isolation between 26 and 53 dB).

Finally, in relation with the salubridad, José Palaces informed to the architects gathered in Fidas that the wooden window allows the easy installation of aireadores. “A properly ventilated stay concedes fewer humidities and less consumption of heating and air conditioned”, concluded.

The Energetic Card

After orienting to the architects with information on the wooden species more commercial and convenient for the external carpentry, Álvaro Rebollo, technician of Torinco, S.L., it stood out the importance that the wood laminada has represented in this industry to improve notably the provision of the window.

The problems of the past in the wooden windows are entirely surpassed
The problems of the past in the wooden windows are entirely surpassed.

Likewise, informed about the innovations that bring to the sector the called “wood modified”, regulated in Spain from 2008: wood termotratada, aerotherm and wood acetilada, between others.

The speaker stood out in his report that already is here, also for the wooden windows, the Energetic Card; a ficha technical that orients to professional and final customer on the energetic efficiency of what is buying, on what saves or even on the power that the product can contribute to the building. Torinco Manufactures a wooden window with Classification “To” +3, which is synonymous of saving in money for the user and in broadcasts of carbon for the atmosphere.

Likewise, Álvaro Rebollo insisted in the importance of the glass: “it occupies 70% of the surface of a window –said-. A double glass under emisivo improves enormously the provision of thermal sensors and acoustic insulation and of transmission of power in a closing.”

Advances in finishing and maintenance

Juan José Hoyo, technician of the signature Akzo Nobel Coatings, manufacturer of glaze them Sikkens, did to see to the assistants to the day of Shows in Seville that the problems of the past in the wooden windows are entirely surpassed.

“At present the carpentries have left to be artesanales, becoming fully industrial, with the consequent control in the processes of manufacture and finishing of the windows”, exposed.

Taking for granted that 60% of the durability of a wooden window is in function of the prime matter employee and his cutting, and of course of his design, the speaker explained that today they exist resistant products to the ultraviolet rays, by means of the use of pigments that protect the wood of the photo degradation of the lignin, that print to the surface a durable colour. Besides, the resins employed leave transpirar to the wood and are thermoplastic. In the worst of the cases, with the micrajes that employ today in general, is guaranteeed a durability without maintenance of 6 to 7 years. “The current standards of durability do that the manufacturer of windows offer around the 10 years of guarantee of his product, being able to reach the 30 years, by means of the contracting of a program of maintenance”, signalled in Seville the representative of Sikkens.

It shows, directed by José Palaces (in the photo), will celebrate his next seminars in Saragossa and Basque Country
It shows, directed by José Palaces (in the photo), will celebrate his next seminars in Saragossa and Basque Country.

Today, in the wood, is possible to realise changes of colours and a very wide, almost infinite, range of finishings. The practical whole of the Spanish manufacturers of wooden windows employ already glaze to the water.

The Passepartout

For the architect sevillano José Antonio Alba, “the window always is a problem. It is a necessary evil that conditions the drawing. In a project, always begins speaking of his forms. It arrives the hour of the envolvente, and here appear the windows, ineludibles”. For the speaker, the window is in the wall “the passepartout” of a picture or a photography: “the end is that the window allow us contemplate what interests us of the outside.”

José Antonio Alba explained to his colleagues the details and details of two works in which it has worked with the manufacturer Torinco, S.L.: The Centre of Learning and Employment in Renewable Energies and Environingingment of Lucena, where Alba reached his aim to attain that the window played properly the paper of passepartout, and the catering of the Palace of the Earls of Santa Ana, also in Lucena. “I associate the rehabilitation to the idea to recover the essential part of a building, keeping his atmosphere and integrity. And to achieve it is used to to be essential realise a glorious wooden carpentry. There are things that can or have to do with wood, and others that –did not conclude the architect sevillano–. We have a bit of fear to the wood, although in reality it is a material joker, by his enormous polivalencia.”

The architect knows that it is necessary to fulfil the CTE, also in the reform, although the norm leaves in his hands some decisions. It confronts to pre-existing elements on which it is necessary to value if delete them, or substitute them. In occasions, can conserve the original concept of the closing and add to the hollow elements that contribute to the fulfillment of the rule, in matter of isolation, lighting, ventilation, etc.

José Antonio Alba stood out the complex and spectacular work of catering of wooden elements. “I observed an authentic work of surgery, applied on pieces very dilapidated –finished-. What more has liked me of these projects is what have learnt. The architects are responsible of everything, and have to know of everything. But the industrial can be ours better teacher.”

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Asociación de Fabricantes de Ventanas de Madera y Mixtas Madera-Aluminio

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