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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El Coam acogió el Campus Asoma sobre la ventana de madera
Half hundred of Madrilenian architects assisted to the third edition of this meeting

The Coam received the Campus Shows on the wooden window

Editorial Interempresas05/12/2011

5 December 2011

Sponsored in this third edition by the companies TCM, Torinco, Carintasa and Soudal, all they members of the Spanish Association of Manufacturers of wooden and Mixed Windows Wood-Aluminium (Shows), the itinerant day ‘The wooden window in edificación' celebrated the past 24 November in the Official School of Architects of Madrid, after his go through Barcelona and Mallorca.

Alberto Asensio, manager of Carintasa (Industrial Carpentry Tauste, S.A.), cleared to the architects of the Coam that “the wooden window fulfils perfectly with all the requests that demands the valid rule, is the cheapest solution to fulfil the Technical Code of the Edificación, and besides offers durability, calidez, design and variety of finishings”. Sure enough, the wooden window of by yes, with a simple glass (with camera > 15 mm.), it gives some very good values of thermal transmittance.

Alberto Asensio, manager of Carintasa (Industrial Carpentry Tauste, S.A.).
Alberto Asensio, manager of Carintasa (Industrial Carpentry Tauste, S.A.).
“Regarding design –stood out the speaker-, with wood is possible to realise windows of all type: practicable, sliding, oscilobatientes, of guillotine, etc., and also in any colour or terminación that require ”. The aim of Shows is not another that increase in Spain the exigencias in energetic saving, in convergence with Europe (Value Or between 1,6 and 2,2 like aim for 2020). “Improving the glasses, the wooden window has a lot of route in this sense –concluded Alberto Asensio-. The wooden profiles constitute a big starting point, by the intrinsic values of isolation of this prime matter”.

Maximum provision with a minimum maintenance

Juan José Hoyo, Technician of Engineering of Processes of Akzo Nobel Coatings, stood out in his report the “high degree of specialisation and profesionalización that today exists in the wooden carpentry in Spain”. Manufacturers and consumers win also thanks to the application controlled of the treatments and finishings in the wood. “Like this, we know that we always will have a same quality in the closings; up to now, in work was very difficult to achieve this”, signalled Juanjo Hoyo.

Thanks to the current technology, is possible to do any colour that wish , so much in translúcidos as in opaque, even appearances metallised, what allows to the prescriptor the aesthetic renewal or redecoración of the windows when it want . “But no all the wood and no all the courts of the same valid sound for the external carpentry”, warned the speaker.

Area of exhibition of the Campus Shows
Area of exhibition of the Campus Shows.

The wooden window in rehabilitation

Arrive new rules very demanding for the new construction, but also for renewal and rehabilitation. In the future, it will be necessary to do big efforts to renew the current park of houses. “The wooden closings fulfil of natural form with part of these exigencias”, stood out the third speaker Manuel Medina, product manager of Soudal Chemical. But his correct and complete installation is so important like manufacturing a good window. Said installation facilitates the work to design a suitable house to the exigencias future, but the control will be fundamental to reach the success”.

The representative of Soudal explained to the Madrilenian architects that exist a series of products of isolation and sealed of last generation that complete the most adapted installation to fulfil with the values of isolation required.

Manuel Medina, product manager of Soudal Chemical
Manuel Medina, product manager of Soudal Chemical.

The only green “window”

José Palaces, manager of Show, defended in the day that “the wood is more efficient energetically that pvc and aluminium”, and justified it with a comparative example. “In equality of conditions, is more competitive to the hour to fulfil the CTE”. Likewise, also it enumerated his environmental provision. The speaker argued with data that “the wood is a prime matter that comes from of controlled and sustainable sources, is recyclable and, in definite, as only real green option, a reference for a way to build different and respectful with the surroundings”.

Plenario Of the itinerant day ‘The wooden window in edificación'
Plenario Of the itinerant day ‘The wooden window in edificación'.

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Asociación de Fabricantes de Ventanas de Madera y Mixtas Madera-Aluminio

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