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With the support of Confemadera and the Icex, the association will analyse/analyze the evolution of the sector along the last seven years

Aserma Celebrates his VII day on biomass in Barcelona centred/centered in the expectations

Editorial Interempresas03/11/2011

3 November 2011

As every year, the Spanish Association of Agents of wooden Biomasses Recovered, Aserma, organises/organizes his Logistical ‘day, preparation and supply of biomass for energetic uses' oriented to give to know the activities, advances and new challenges of the companies associated. The seventh edition, under the subhead ‘Expectations vs realities', will celebrate the next 1 December in the Auditorium AXA of Barcelona.

For this edition Aserma account again with the support of the Spanish Confederation of Employers of the Wood, Confemadera, and of the Spanish Institute of External Trade, Icex, in the frame of his ‘Plan of Export of the Wood'. Besides, Aserma has the collaboration of external companies that support always the day of biomass of the association as they are Ayerbe Industrial Plants of Dried S.L., the Group Biurrarena, Doppstant, Masias Recycling, S.L. And Regulator-Cetrisa, as well as of companies associated: Abornasa, Aslesa, Fresal Innovation, Luis Raso, Remag, Resima and Trans Sabater.

With the program of this VII day the association pretends to analyse/analyze the evolution of the sector and of the wooden biomasses recovered along the last seven years. Sheila Rodríguez, General secretary of Aserma, by his part, will do a route of the most debated contents in the previous editions.

“The residual wooden biomass has sources of stable supply and prime matter of quality”

Like this thinks Xavier Elías, director of the Stock exchange of By-products of Catalonia, and speaker in the day, the one who signals besides that “the situation of the residual biomass is more favourable/favorable that the one of the ‘virgin' place that has sources of supply more stable and the prime matter is much drier. His use could be massive in little time as the energetic price is more favourable/favorable. On the other hand the aprovechamiento industrial of the wooden biomasses recovered presents a wide range of utilisations/utilizations that go from the incineration with recovery of energy to the gasification going through the conversion in fuels of second generation”.

By these self-evident reasons that “the aprovechamiento energetic of wooden biomasses recovered presents excellent perspectives of future”.

According to Xavier Elias, speaker of the day...

According to Xavier Elias, speaker of the day, “the aprovechamiento energetic of wooden biomasses recovered presents excellent perspectives of future”. Photo: Simeon Eichmann.

On the other hand, between the practical experiences that will present , Ina Ehrhardt will give to know the results of the European project Life+ Best4VarioUse (‘Best practices and technologies to develop green wastes and residues ace raw materials for variants of utilization)'. The centre/center of investigation to the that belongs Ehrhardt, Fraunhofer IFF, is the coordinator of this Life+, in which they participate organisms and companies of Spain and Germany.

Is confirmed also the presence of Claudio Míguez Gómez, professor collaborator of the University Institute Environmental Sciences of the UCM that will present ‘Expectations and realities of a plant of generation of electricity by biomass with hybridisation/hybridization', in which it will explain the follow-up of the exploitation and maintenance of a plant of electrical generation from biomass along more than four years, during which has modified all the system of preparation, transport and combustion of biomass.

Listed of speakers:

  • Ina Ehrhardt of Fraunhofer IFF. In his practical ‘Better presentation and technologies according to his utilisation/utilization for the wooden biomasses recovered' will refer to his experience in the European project Best4VarioUse.
  • David Poveda, general director of Group Nova Energy, will show the factors that have to take into account to the hour to develop efficient projects of biomass and some examples of plants, between others the head office of generation of biomass Boscaro in Vigliano Biellese (Italy).
  • Xavier Elías, director of the Stock exchange of By-products in Catalonia, that in his presentation will develop ‘Appearances of energetic efficiency in the conversion of the biomass'.
  • Carles Vilaseca, president of Apropellets. It will speak on ‘Pellet industrial, an opportunity of future to take advantage of'.
  • Sheila Rodríguez of the Moral, general secretary of Aserma, that will do a route of the most debated contents in the previous editions and of the current situation of the sector.
Carles Vilaseca, president of Apropellets, will speak on ‘Pellet industrial, an opportunity of future to take advantage of'...
Carles Vilaseca, president of Apropellets, will speak on ‘Pellet industrial, an opportunity of future to take advantage of'. Photo: Friedrich Böhringer.

The Day will develop in two rooms, one of reports and another of exhibition of teams where, besides, will take place a coffee-break to half of the morning and a cocktail like closing of the same.

This day is also a forum of meeting of employers to facilitate the commercial contacts to all the levels and the exchange of information and the feedback indispensable to develop and strengthen the sector, always under the premise that inside the chain of the biomass, the management and logistical are factors determinantes of the balance between quality and cost.

To formalise the registration has to use the index card incorporated to the brochure lodged in the web of Aserma The index card filled has to send by fax together with the justificante of payment. The cost of registration is of 140 (included VAT). The registration to the day by part of companies associated to Aserma does not have cost.

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