
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at TESA reúne a los Security Centers en sus instalaciones de Irún los días 3 y 4 de abril

TESA Gathers to the hygiene Centers in his installations of Irún the days 3 and 4 April


12 May 2014

TESA Assa Abloy consolidates the relations with his hygiene Centers in the first Convention of Cerrajeros that carry out in Irún (Guipúzcoa) the past 3 and 4 April. The main aim of this meeting is to strengthen the alliances and commitments purchased the past year between TESA and the cerrajeros. Eleven hygiene Centers of all Spain, participated actively during the two days in which I look for the approach but especially the put in common no only of the last novelties of product allocated to this channel but of the strategy that TESA and the cerrajeros are carrying out of the hand.

During the two days realizar learnings of new products and installation of the same like the horizontal bar or a new model of lock of sobreponer. It has been in this first Convention of Cerrajeros, where has presented for the first time the last solution of control of accesses of TESA.

Smartair Genesis is the new system of control of accesses thought for small installations and perfect for cerrajeros since for his installation and maintenance does not require of specific knowledges of IT or networks. This new bet of TESA looks for to complete the existent gap between the amaestramientos mechanical and the systems of control of accesses thought for big installations.

Convention of Cerrajeros organised by TESA the pasts 3 and 4 April

Convention of Cerrajeros organised by TESA the pasts 3 and 4 April.

TESA Also took advantage of this inmejorable occasion to realizar different sessions of ‘Voice of the Customer', with the aim to know at first hand the current demand of the market in solutions of closing. It listens it active has become a fundamental pillar in the strategy of the company, by what can realizar it in a so professional community as it is the cerrajero and besides, with orientations or geographic locations so distinct, does it a lot of more enriquecedor for all.

The visit to factory was very very received by the participants since some had not visited the installations of TESA in the last fifteen years. The evolution and improvement in the processes products and technologies of manufacture called the attention of all they. To the equal that the visit to manufacture, woke up enthusiasm the visit to the laboratory of essays where carried out an essay anti break of cylinders.

Alberto Fernández, manager of the Channel Cerrajero in Spain, has stood out the positive of this event to reinforce the relations and share the knowledges between professionals of the sector. Besides the assessment has resulted of the most positive thanks to the interest showed by all the participants and to his win to move all the presented to his customers. The plan of establishment of hygiene Centers of TESA by all continuous Spain and during this year will recognise to all those that see in this a big opportunity of future.

Related Companies or Entities

Talleres de Escoriaza, S.A.U. - Grupo Assa Abloy

Comments on article / news piece

#1 - cerrajeros barcelona
20/05/2014 10:21:10
Me parece muy interesante que se organicen estos acercamientos entre fabricantes y cerrajeros, Security Centers de TESA es un proyecto innovador y de grandes expectativas.

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