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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Asoma participa en una charla-coloquio con arquitectos de Cuenca

It shows it participates in a talk-colloquium with architects of Cuenca


José Palaces Monteagudo, manager of the Spanish Association of Manufacturers of wooden and Mixed Windows Wood-Aluminium (Shows) participated yesterday in a talk-colloquium organised by Nedlam and celebrated in the living room of acts of the School of Architects of Cuenca, in an activity more than the program of Shows of promotion of the prescription of the wooden window in Spain.

His report versó about the provision of the wooden window like apt element to fulfil the standards of energetic consumption almost invalid in a house. And it did it relating the capacities of passivity of said windows with his contribution to the optimisation of the envolvente.


19 March 2014

“The window is the element more desfavorable from the point of view of the thermal sensors and acoustic insulation in the envolvente of a house. Thus, it will have to fulfil a series of requirements to optimise the clear-cut energetic demand for buildings Passivhaus”, affirmed the manager of Shows. Step by step, the speaker showed with data and examples that a wooden window fulfils and even surpasses holgadamente the basic principles of the passive construction:

  • Estanqueidad Of the envolvente
  • Ventilation and recovery of heat
  • Isolation
  • Control of the thermal sensors bridges.

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