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Edition 2014 of Cevisama, Fair Habitat Valencia, Fimma and Maderalia

More business, more visitors

Editorial Interempresas17/02/2014

Fair Valencia lives the last hours of Cevisama, Fair Habitat Valencia, Fimma and Maderalia, the four celebrated contests between the 11 and on 14 February of conjoint form under the initiative ‘See Us in Valencia 2014' and that has surpassed the expectations with a high level of business, a strong international component and a stood out influx of buyers. To fault of global official data of the four contests, the feelings between the display units are “very positive”.

The big influx of buyers so much national like international has been the greater value to the that have referred the display units of Fimma and of Maderalia to the hour to do balance of this 36ª edition of the samples, specialised in the industry provider of the sector wood-piece of furniture.

In general lines have referred to the new formula to celebrate simultaneously Fimma-Maderalia, Cevisama and Habitat Valencia like a bet of success, when allowing share customers and put near at hand of all the participants the new tendencies that mark the actuality inside each one of the sectors represented in the contests.


As it has affirmed Sara Gil, responsible of Marketing of the signature Faus Group, “historically always have been present in Maderalia but in the last years had left to do it. And we had come without knowing very very what went us to find; and the truth is that they have surpassed widely our expectations” For her, “the most notorious is that we think that the national market has recovered the confidence and is that they are many the national professionals that have visited us these days”. As it has explained, “the shops have showed very ilusionadas and betting strongly by the product of quality”.

By his part Francisco Moon, general director of Biesse Iberian, has ensured that the most significant of the present edition of Fimma has been the big influx of international customers, pertinent fundamentally north of Africa and of countries sudamericanos like Peru, Ecuador and Brazil that have approached until the stand of the company to know his offer. “The key of the success think that has been the parallel celebration of Cevisama since this sample has a big power of attraction of buyers foráneos. And for us, conjugar the offer of the four fairs is definitely the ideal system to save a situation of crisis like the current”, affirms.

On the same line Pablo Murga, manager of the commercial support of Krion Porcelanosa Solid Surface has ensured to have surprised with the level of visits to Fimma-Maderalia. “The truth is that even we think at the beginning that the parallel celebration of Cevisama could eclipsarnos but the results have been very satisfactory. To national level see clearly that exists an interest for doing something new and have detected the visit of young architects that work out of our borders but that have come with win to work with Spanish product”, explains.

So much the display units of Fimma as of Maderalia have spoken of business, and of the closing of requests during the course of the living rooms.

Massive international presence in Cevisama

In the ceramic appointment, the display units sustain that the influx of international professionals has been massive, very upper to the announcements precedents, but some underline also that it is beginning to do business in the national market and show esperanzados in that this edition mark the change of cycle. “It has gone back to sell in Cevisama in the national market and this did years that did not happen”, signals the commercial director of Live, Juan Ramón Ruipérez. A feeling in which they coincide from Natucer, whose managers recalcan that the national buyer “begins to move , begins to lose the fear”.

Another constant in the assessments that do this year the display units is the big quantity of prescriptores linked to the interiorismo and the big projects that have visited Cevisama. In this regard, the commercial director of Live confirms the remarkable influx of interioristas to his stand. “Sure that in this has influenced the coincidence with the fair Habitat, do not know in which proportion, but can say him that in some cases even have said us on purpose that they were visitors of Habitat that wanted to know also our product”, aims.

In the same sense pronounce from Aparici: “we Are happy in general. We have had a lot of foreigners, something more influx of national buyers and many more interioristas that in other editions, what does us think that the coincidence with Habitat has helped to attract this profile”, affirms Víctor Alfaro, responsible of marketing of this signature.

The optimism goes back to Habitat

By his part, Fair Habitat Valencia closes his edition of the 50 anniversary with optimism and confidence in the future. The configuration of the contest like a selection of marks ‘premium' strongly oriented to the internationalisation and the segment of the ‘contract' (integral equipment for collectivities) and the synergies generated with Cevisama and Fimma Maderalia have been the keys of an edition described by a lot of display units like the “best “” of the last announcements.

“Definitely, Habitat has evidenciado a change of cycle”, ensures Emilio Revert, of the signature of high decoration Contradictions. “The bet ‘premium' of the fair is very hit like the own customers recognise. We have ascertained a constant transfer of visitors so much of Cevisama to Habitat and vice versa”, explains this employer, that admits to have tended “buyers of a lot of north purchasing power of Africa, Russia and Latin America, especially”.

By his part, from the signature of design of avant-garde Inclass, his ‘export manager' Marta Alacreu recognised “the hit” of the new orientation of Fair Habitat Valencia: “we needed It, so much the display units like the fair and the sector in general”. Alacreu Has stood out “the wide possibilities that offers him to a prescriptor that in principle came to see ceramic and that finds with all the offer of piece of furniture, lighting or textile”. “A lot of architects have travelled to Valency to prescribe material of construction but also have taken good note to prescribe elements of interior. In an alone trip do practically all the work of the project, and this is very interesting”, explains.

Related Companies or Entities

Fimma / Maderalia - Feria de Valencia

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