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Diary of activities for this big appointment that will take place of the 11 to 14 February

Everything ready for ‘See Us in Valencia 2014'

Editorial Interempresas03/02/2014
The initiative See Us in Valencia 2014', that agglutinates of the 11 to 14 February the conjoint celebration of Cevisama, Habitat, Fimma and Maderalia beside a complete cultural program and of avant-garde, has configured already his diary of activities. Low ‘See Us in Valencia' has structured a series of exhibitions, conferences, days, circuits of design and showrooms that will celebrate along the next week so much in the enclosure of Fair Valencia as, especially, the city of Valencia. In this sense, emblematic spaces like the IVAM, Muvim, the Museum Santi Pius V, The Rambleta, The Ships or the Market of Columbus will be stages of activities where marida the avant-garde and the tradition, configuring an only event in the stage of the design of our country.

The ‘cap i cultural centre' receive some of the most interesting exhibitions programmed in this week of the design, architecture and interiorismo. It is the case of the sample ‘XL/XS. Designed by Architects', that will open his doors the next 12 February in The Rambleta and that collects the contribution of the world of the architecture to the design with the participation of works of Álvaro Siza, Alejandro Zaera, Piero Lissoni, Fabio Novembre or Toyo Ito.

Cevisama 2013
Cevisama 2013.

Of the same way, the space of avant-garde of The Ships will be headquarters of the sample ‘Eats House!' In which the School of Designers of Interior of the Valencian Community experiences around the interiorismo of the hand of the experience to eat bread.

By his part, the Valencian Institute of Modern Art (Ivam), that this year celebrates his 25º anniversary, receives a sample that also commemorates a very distinguished ephemeris, like the 50 years of Fair Habitat Valencia. It treats of the exhibition ‘Legs', that gathers the interpretation that of a leg of table do teachers of the design like Rum Plough, Ingo Mauer, Ettore Sottsass or Philippe Starck.

In the frame of ‘See Us in Valencia' also will celebrate the fifth edition of Valencia Disseny Week, organised by the Association of Designers of the Valencian Community. Between his more stood out activities is programmed in the Museum Sant Pius V the exhibition ‘From Valencia with Design', with the best 100 international designs 100% Valencians, as well as an exhibition around the graphic design that will celebrate in the Valencian Museum of the Illustration and the Modernity (Muvim). Besides, also it has structured a ‘Circuit of Design' that will visit those shops, showrooms or ‘pop up stores' more than fashion in the city.

All this will complement with the presentations that different display units of Cevisama, Habitat, Fimma or Maderalia go to realizar in singular spaces of the city. It is the case of the ceramic signature Inalco or Pieces of furniture Canella, that will exhibit a sample of his offer in the Market of Columbus, whereas other signatures expositoras like Capdell, Lladró, Olivari or Glow Milano also have foreseen to organise distinct events in the city.

Cevisama 2013

Cevisama 2013.

Ciutat Vella Also will be stage of events around the design, as the one who will organise in the Square of the Old Post of the hand of the initiative ‘Connects', that will convert an ancient building and rehabilitated in a space expositivo multisectorial.

Enclosure ferial: dialogues between tendencies

The cultural diary of ‘See Us in Valencia' also dimensiona in the own enclosure of Fair Valencia. Like this, beside the shop window that conforms the commercial offer of the 1.400 present marks in the four contests, go to develop diverse forums, initiatives and professional meetings of prime importance.

One of the most stood out initiatives is the celebration of the second edition of the Congress of Integral Rehabilitation in the Edificiación (Ried) that will gather in the Centre of Events of Fair Valencia to near of 300 architects the next 11 and 12 February.

Already in the enclosure ferial, one of the most dynamic spaces will be the Agora nude, situated in the Level 3 Pavilion 6 and that has programmed a cycle of conferences with the participation of stood out professionals of the world of the fashion like Enrique Loewe, the specialist in textile Pablo Díaz, the architect Ramón Esteve or the ‘guru' of the Spanish design Juli Capella. In this same space also will present the tendencies of future in the habitat of the hand of the Observatory of Tendencies of the Habitat (OTH).

The Agora nude will be, likewise, the space where will celebrate of the 12 to 14 February the Forum of architecture and Design of Cevisama Lab, that this year will have the reports of the interiorista Susanna Cots, the winning architects of the Prizes Ascer Pol Femenías, Aitor Sources and Jordi Ayala and the industrial designer Miguel Herranz.

Beside these forums of dialogue, the enclosure ferial also receives emblematic spaces of exhibition, like the sample Trans/milestones, that under the lemma ‘Reflections' will show pieces and spaces that will reflect the excellent possibilities of uses and solutions that the ceramic material can offer in fields like architecture, urbanismo or interiorismo. It will stand out of special form the ceramic cover with surface of double curvature that will remain floating to three metres of the floor and that has been designed in collaboration with the University of Harvard. This space will receive, between other activities, the delivery of prizes of the International Contest of Design in Ceramics of Cevisama or the Contest of Ceramic Urban Furniture of Wave.

Habitat Valencia

Habitat Valencia.

Another singular area in the enclosure expositivo of Fair Valencia will be the Living room nude, the authentic quarry of the Spanish design, that in the edition of 2014 will gather to 21 designers, studies and schools of design in a singular space designed by the creative team of Swimmer.

Following with the spirit of avant-garde, beside the Living room nude, in the Level 3 Pavilion 6, will situate the expected exhibition ‘Bravos', a sample that gathers the work of 21 Spanish designers with a wide international projection. It is the first time that this sample can see in Spain, after having travelled by diverse American and Asian cities.

The diary of activities in the enclosure ferial will continue along all the week with events like the initiative ‘Contract Business Area', professional meetings between prescriptores of the segment of the contract and display units. The channel contract will be one of the big thematic axles of the four contests. Good proof of this will be the celebration of the Key ‘Day stop the design, equipment and management of hotels', organised by the Technological Institute Hotelero and that will analyse in Fair Valencia the last innovations in design and architecture in the field hotelero.

Indispensable, likewise, go to be the Technical Days EXCO organised by the Polytechnical University of Valencia; the fourth edition of the Ceramic Meetings Innova or the day programmed by the Spanish Society of Ceramics and Glass around the innovation. This association will concede the first day of contest the always expected by the ceramic sector Prizes Alpha of Gold. Besides, organisms like the ICEX will repeat in this stage his meetings ‘Coffee with Expert', with practical councils in this case on how access to the German market of the habitat. In the same sense, the association Hyspalit will celebrate on 12 February his ‘Day of the Brick', to the equal that Proalso also will develop in the frame of Cevisama his traditional ‘Meeting of Colocadores'.

Related Companies or Entities

Fimma / Maderalia - Feria de Valencia
Societat Valenciana Fira València, S.A. (CEVISAMA)

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