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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Miguel Bixquert, director de Fimma-Maderalia
“The confluence of the four fairs goes to increase of spectacular way his international notoriety”

Interview to Miguel Bixquert, director of Fimma-Maderalia

Irene Relda28/01/2014

The fairs Fimma-Maderalia will open his doors in Fair Valencia of the 11 to 14 February, and in this occasion will do it coinciding in space and time with the living rooms Cevisama and Habitat Valencia, “a big project ferial —explains to Interempresas Miguel Bixquert—, where the synergies go to multiply and, by extension, the possibilities that go to offer in this occasion Fimma and Maderalia go to be innumerable”.

Miguel Bixquert, director of Fimma-Maderalia
Miguel Bixquert, director of Fimma-Maderalia.

Lamentably, we live in a crisis generalised that it has cebado of special form with the construction and with affine sectors like the one of the wood. How it faces the challenge Fimma-Maderalia?

Consider that it is necessary to do an analysis of the current economic situation from a double slope. On the one hand, it is just to remember that the moments of unsteadiness also can be bearers of good news. And in this sense, one of the direct results of the present coyuntura is the recovery of our competitiveness, by means of a greater optimisation of the resources and a decrease of the costs of production. And this redunda in our exports, that is the second point in which it wanted to incidir. It is innegable the exporting paper that exert the industries represented in Fimma-Maderalia. And from here the clear exporting vocation of our contests

And the slogan that chairs this year both samples: ‘Your best look to look to the external'.

Yes, what the crisis has put on the table is that all those that already looked to the markets foráneos are holding better the situation. And if to this add him that from the summer of 2013 already breathes a distinct environingingment, does not remain more than discerning the recovery.

It seems then that the export is key…

The export is it everything, especially for a sector as ours and, especially, with a domestic market so touched by the crisis. But as it commented, Spain is nowadays much more competitive and, therefore, are many the buyers that interest again by a product of quality as ours. In the concrete case of the auxiliary industry, besides, see like traditional customers like Italy or France, that in the last years had put the eyes in the east countries of Europe or China, go back again to consider us like exclusive providers. And this is a tendency to review.

And what has to do the one who do not have opportunity and structure for aventurarse to the outside?

For those that can not orient to the export my recommendation is, definitely, that look to the sector of the contract and to the a lot of possibilities that have developed in the last years inside the field of the reform and the rehabilitation.


Going back to the fair, with how many display units will explain this edition of 2014? And regarding surface expositiva?

For the present edition have a total of 304 display units direct, figure that expands when speaking of signatures participants. And the busy total surface will reach the 25.600 square metres, but as it already occurred in the previous announcement of the samples, are many the companies that are taking to last hour his decision to assist to fair, and thus we are conscious that the figures can vary substantially, even to few days seen of the official opening.

What will see the one who approach this year to the fairs? With which novelties will explain the living rooms?

The greater novelty this year is the complementarity of the offer between the four contests that, for the first time, Fair Valencia organises of conjoint way the next month of February. I refer me, of course, to Fimma and to Maderalia, but also to Cevisama and Habitat Valencia, that will take place simultaneously in the same dates.

What can contribute him to the visitor and to the expositor this coincidence so much in space as in time of the fairs?

Are immersed in a big project ferial where the synergies go to multiply and, by extension, the possibilities that go to offer in this occasion Fimma and Maderalia go to be innumerable. Especially and especially, with the parallel celebration of Cevisama since the sector that represents this sample, the one of the tile, is very in connection with two key spaces for us: the kitchen and the bathroom. Besides, the confluence of the four fairs goes to increase of spectacular way the international notoriety of the living rooms thanks to the power of foreign announcement that exert each one of them, inside his respective sectors.

From it does a time, the organisation works for adapting the format of the fairs to the real needs of the display units and of a visitor that no longer expects to know in a living room the novelties of a company. What contributes the present edition in this sense? Of which way combat or takes advantage of Fimma-Maderalia the indisputable power of Internet and the social networks?

Ours bet this year has been the same that in the past edition. We have copied the format followed up to now with an only and solid bet.


The optimisation of the time of the visitor, the one who needs, with fewer means and of way more concentrated in the time, access to all the information and the offer that offer him our contests. We think that our greater tarpaulin resides in the skill to having known make compatible the traditional concept of commercial fair with the development of a wide program of parallel activities, that this year remain integrated inside the big project ‘See Us in Valencia 2014'.


And regarding the social networks?

Consider that they are a powerful channel of communication. And although we do not bet by them like the ideal place for the development of the sales yes are convinced that Internet helps and a lot in questions like the service posventa, the assistance in repairs or the queries on software.

What is ‘see Us in Valencia'?

Is the new bet of Fair Valencia for the present year. It is the appointment that goes to agglutinate, of the 11 to 14 February, a powerful offer of commercial fairs beside a complete cultural program and of avant-garde. It is the big international appointment of interiorismo, architecture and decoration. Inside the offer of contents includes , as it said, the conjoint celebration of the four fairs that lead in Spain the concepts of the design and the architecture: Fimma (machinery for the wooden transformation and piece of furniture), Maderalia (components for the industry of the piece of furniture and the wood), Cevisama (ceramic, bathroom and natural stone), and Fair Habitat Valencia (piece of furniture, lighting, kitchen and textile for the home)

With which parallel activities will explain the initiative?

Beside the offer ferial, ‘See Us in Valencia' agglutinates a program of activities of avant-garde, in which so much Fair Valencia like the own city of Valencia go to have a paper stood out. This program includes forums of debate like the II Congress of Integral Rehabilitation in the Edificación; the Forum of architecture and Design; or the meetings Wake Up!, with conferences around the tendencies reflected in the last study of the Observatory of Tendencies of the Habitat (OTH), among others.

What other activities would stand out?

Are many the planned exhibitions like the sample Trans/Milestones, of architecture and interiorismo related with the world of the ceramics; the exhibition Bravos, that for the first time arrives to Spain after his turns abroad and in which they participate 21 designers of wide projection all over the world; the Living room Nude, platform for young talents in design that this year opens to the ceramic design, the one of bathroom and design of elements that uses the auxiliary industry of the habitat; the exhibition Legs, interpretation of legs of pieces of furniture to charge of stood out creators; it Eats House!, an innovative project that proposes to the viewer an experience in the design of interiors; or the Routes Contract, that will allow to the interested realizar tours guided of architecture, design and art by spaces contract with the explanation of his author. As it sees the list is very extensive and what advance him is only an extract of all the actions to undertake. We expect to fulfil with the expectations of our visitors.

How it has promoted Fimma-Maderalia in this edition?

For the promotion of the samples this year have resorted to the traditional supports (brochures, newsletters, promotion in social networks and web page…), but, especially and given the shortage of means, has resulted key the support of the media, of the sectorial associations and, in definite, of all the prescriptores of the sector.


They have adapted to the current coyuntura adjusting prices or offering some type of help or advantage for the display units?

Know that participate in fair is the sum of several quotas of cost and thus we have posed a forfait of participation so that expose in Fimma-Maderalia result easier, economic, comfortable and, especially, profitable. The rent of the space realizar under some special conditions in which you sign them participants have access to an integral offer of services that includes provision like service of decoration, special prices in accommodation, lighting, furniture or service of parking, among others.

With what would give by satisfied in this edition?

To me likes me speak of feelings and more in a moment like the current, where the human values have to be above all else. I think that my greater satisfaction and the one of all the team that conforms Fimma-Maderalia is to attain with our effort give back the illusion no only to our display units, but, of course, to the sector in his group. In addition to that with this 36ª edition of the fairs can say in high and clear voice the paper that exerts the industry provider of the sector wood-piece of furniture in our country and his decisive weight in the group of our economy.

Related Companies or Entities

Fimma / Maderalia - Feria de Valencia

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