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The three contests will gather in February in Valency to buyers and professional of the architecture, design and interiorismo closely of 140 countries.

Cevisama, Fair Habitat Valencia and Fimma – Maderalia intensify the promotion and catchment of international buyers

Editorial Interempresas25/09/2013

Fair Valencia has set up a plan of international promotion to reinforce the positioning of Cevisama, Fair Habitat Valencia and Fimma – Maderalia as platforms of business for the market of the export. The three contests will gather of the 11 to the 14 of the next month of February to buyers closely of 140 countries and the intention is to increase the presence of international visitors of a series of markets considered keys in the exporting strategy of the present sectors in each one of these fairs.

Inside the strategy of positioning of ‘See Us in Valencia', that agglutinates the conjoint celebration of these three fairs beside a series of parallel acts, have identified 58 strategic markets for sectors like the ones of the ceramics, coatings, pieces of furniture, wood, lighting, textile home, kitchen, bathroom, decoration or machinery.

Stands out the bet by emergent markets and of big projection like the ones of the Africa subsahariana, Asia, and Latin America, that add to mature markets and with a remarkable presence of the product ‘made in Spain' as the ones of the European Union, United States, east Europe or Middle East.

The aim is to gather in Valency in February to the greater number of buyers and professional of the most influential markets of the segment of the architecture, interiorismo and design.


Big interest in the African market

The African continent is one of the markets of greater projection for the Spanish industry of the ceramics, wood, machinery and habitat, especially in the field of the construction and projects of interiorismo. Thus, the zone of the Maghreb and Africa Subsahariana have been signalled like keys in the strategy of internationalisation of the contests of Fair Valencia.

In the north of the continent, are realizar actions of catchment of buyers in countries like Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya. Besides, it has loaned special attention to the Africa Subsahariana, where has designed a program of contacts with professionals of Namibia, Botswana, South Africa, Mauritania, Niger, Kenia, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Guinea Conakri, Uganda, Angola, Ghana, Gabon, Ivory Coast and Nigeria.

Buyers of these markets already showed very interested in the product ‘made in Spain' in the last edition of Cevisama, and have expressesed his intention to repeat visit and expand his wallet of Spanish providers.

Emergent and mature markets

In the market of Sudamérica is taking advantage of the tuning of the last years with prescriptores Latin American to improve, likewise, the visit of professionals of Mexico, Dominican Republic, Argentina, Peru, Brazil, Colombia, The Saviour, Panama, Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador and Bolivia.

These markets are of particular importance, especially, in the field of the contract and of installations hoteleras of prime importance; to the equal that the ones of Middle East, where the ceramics and the habitat ‘made in Spain' is finding an excellent field of action. Thus, They are closing the visits of prescriptores of high level of Saudi Arabia, Arab Emirates Joined and Qatar.

The Asian buyers also are confirming his visit to Valency the next month of February. In concrete markets like the ones of India, China, Malaysia, Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam have showed special interest in the commercial offer integrated in ‘See Us in Valencia'.

Finally, has reinforced the promotion of ‘See Us in Valencia' and the catchment of visitors in mature markets but that occupy a very high percentage in the Spanish exports. It is the case of United States, the European Union and east Europe. In these two last cases, are realizar distinct commercial and direct actions of catchment of professionals of France, United Kingdom, Italy, Russia, Portugal, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Ireland, Poland and Croatia.


The best semester in the exports of the macrosector habitat from the start of the crisis.

All these actions give answer to the exporting dynamism of the macrosector Spanish of the habitat. In fact, as they confirm the last figures contributed by the ICEX, the first semester of 2013 has been the best in exports of the last five years, with some sales to the outside of the 5.502'9 million euros. This parameter measures of form unified the external behaviour of present sectors in the offer of Valency like piece of furniture, textile home, lighting, complementos of decoration, pavings and coatings ceramic, equipments for collectivities, stone and bathroom.

According to these figures, the exports of these sectors situate already to previous levels to the crisis and apuntalan to France, Germany, Portugal, United Kingdom, Italy, Saudi Arabia, United States, Russia and Morocco like his ten more important markets. At present, the macrosector habitat occupies the eighth place in the ránking of the most exporting sectors of the Spanish economy.

An appointment of marked international character

With all this, the plan of international promotion set up by Fair Valencia in the frame of ‘See Us in Valencia' consolidates the paper of the fairs that integrate in this appointment like platforms of global business. In his last edition, Cevisama marked a record of international visitors when gathering to more than 12.000 foreign professionals, 20% of the total registered. By his part, so much Fair Habitat Valencia like Fimma – Maderalia gathered in his last announcements to more than 2.000 international buyers in his respective appointments.

Related Companies or Entities

Fimma / Maderalia - Feria de Valencia
Societat Valenciana Fira València, S.A. (CEVISAMA)

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