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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a José Palacios, gerente de Asoma
“The wooden window, in a same comparative rank, is more affordable and provides better provision”

Interview to José Palaces, manager of Shows

Javier García29/01/2013
The crisis of the construction has dragged achieve to crowd of subsectores that lived to the protect of the umbrella of this industry. The one of the manufacturers of wooden windows is not an exception. However, still they remain niches of market for the survival of the sector. The rehabilitation is one of them. The engineer of Mountains José Palaces Monteagudo, manager of the National Association of Manufacturers of wooden and Mixed Windows Wood-Aluminium (Shows) stands out the virtues of this material like closing and his key paper to contribute to the confort and to the energetic efficiency of the buildings.
José Palaces, manager of Shows
José Palaces, manager of Shows.

Which are the main pillars of performance of the association? It changes something regarding the previous cycle?

is following With the guidelines fixed during the previous period, based mainly in the promotion of the wooden window and wood-aluminium in entes of interest, mainly architects and prescriptores, that is to say, all those that decide that it put a closing or another.

For this, assist to professional fairs, realise technical days (until the actuality 15) realise direct advice to professionals.

Also exist other pillars based in strategies of marketing, promotion of asociacionismo between manufacturers, legal advice, study of the market and surveillance of the Marked CE.

A lot of companies of subsectores of the construction see in the rehabilitation a valve of leakage, a safe of life. It occurs like this also with the sector of the wooden windows?

Of course. In the case of the wooden window results the big niche of market, especially from the punto of historical rehabilitation, since the possibility to realise forms complicated, big lights and variety of finishings keeping thermal sensors isolations and acoustic pointers is inherent in the wooden window.

From the punto of the energetic rehabilitation, because of the support of the plans renove, also have found good market. And here it is one of the big pillars of the association: the promotion of the use of the wooden window, give to know his possibilities of thermal sensors and acoustic insulations, upper to the of his competitors, always in a same comparative rank. And it is that the wooden window in a same comparative rank is more affordable and provides better provision.

The wooden windows or of the mixed wooden-aluminium in front of the ones of other materials

Doing a complete analysis, from the extraction equipment equipment of the prime matter until his gestión like residue, José Palaces, manager of Show, stands out the following characteristic:

• sustainable prime Matter, pertinent of mountains managed of correct way by professionals, with stamps and certificates that like this endorse it, prevailing at all times the sustainability and perpetuación of the forestry masses and the ecosystems that house.

• The wood supposes the elder sumidero of carbon that exists (of the few), since a wooden cubic metre installed in work in any one of his slopes houses 1 tonne of CO2, thing that the rest of raw materials can not say (metals, plastics, arid) that out of housing, his processes so much of extraction equipment equipment as of transformation are highly contaminantes.

• From the punto of the use, given the best values of thermal sensors isolation of the conjoint window, are apt for the quantitative reduction of the energetic consumption in the home. Besides it treats of the closing preferred in houses of low energetic consumption, and even invalid.

• Already in his gestión like residue, say that all his parts are recyclable and valorizables, so much materialmente (convertible in another product maderero) as energetically (to generate power calorífica or electrical).

• Therefore in his group, can say, that his footprint of carbon in the cycle of life is even negative, that is to say, that houses more CO2 in his breast, that the one who issues in his obtaining of prime matter, transformation, manufacture, use and gestión like residue.

Besides, as it stands out Palaces, in the product in himself are possible crowd of forms, finishings, opening types with upper provision. “Treats of a versatile product, technologically leading and sustainable”.

In what measured a wooden window can contribute to the energetic efficiency of a building?

What better was the thermal sensors transmittance of a closing, more contributes with the decrease of the consumption of primary power of a building. However, a good window turns into a bad window if it does not find very installed. Thus, from it Shows we promote the application of good systems of installation chords with the good product. We collaborate closely with skilled companies in this subject that advise us on how install better to attain a greater reduction in the energetic consumption of a house, of building of private use or public.

Photo: Tomek l
Photo: Tomek l.

Which thinks that is the degree of commitment of the companies that represents with the half?

The environingingment has to be a spearhead of the association and of his manufacturers. Sustainable prime matter, just trade of the wood, promotion of the analyses of cycle of life, high energetic efficiency, integral gestión like residue.

You are in direct contact with the companies of the sector. Which is the complaint or the most usual problem between them?

The current tendency is, especially, the fault of financials by part of the banking entities and the non-payments by part of the constructors or promoters. Given this coyuntura, tends to go on sale ensured with the consequent reduction of possibility of market and reduction of structure in the companies. A species of reaction in chain that tends to the reduction of the national business fabric.

And of which way support the administrations the sector?

Until the year 2012, were common the Plans Renove of Windows for the promotion of the energetic efficiency in houses and public buildings. However, these games by part of the Idea and entes regional of the power or go to other sectors or have disappeared. Always it exists the road of helps to the R&D of the CDTI.

Which are the current tendencies in the manufacture of windows?

At present, does a lot of upsetting in the subject of the high energetic efficiency in buildings of invalid energetic consumption. This is due to that of here to 2020, a European directive will demand that all the buildings, so many publics like private possess this characteristic (clear is that with stretches of adecuación). For this, require of enclosures of high technology, with big thermal sensors isolations and accompanied of installations that favour the “work” of the windows.

To his time, future modifications of the regulator of construction in edificación (CTE) will boost the use of enclosures highly efficient, by what the enclosures in Spain will have to go up of quality. With the wood have done the duties from does time.

In which sense?

In Spain, around 85% of the population, will have to install enclosures of less than 1,6 W/m2K of thermal sensors transmittance (way to measure the isolation). At present, almost all the manufacturers of wooden windows possess enclosures with Or thermal sensors of until 0,8-0,9 W/m2k.

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