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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at En 2010 los usos energéticos representan el 36% de salida de biomasas de madera recuperadas
Report of gestión of wooden biomasses recovered

In 2010 the energetic uses represent 36% of exit of wooden biomasses recovered

Source: Aserma18/10/2012
The Spanish Association of Agents of wooden Biomasses Recovered, Aserma, with the end to give to know the necessary and important work that realise the companies associated, facilitates data that allow to know more the activity so much of the Association like the one of the companies that represents. Thus, it realises and it presents the Report of gestión of wooden biomasses recovered, an analysis of the evolution of the sector from the year 2007 until the actuality. In him they analyse , from 2007 to 2010, the tonelajes global of material managed, his breakdown in origins and destinations of the materials and the reason of the changes produced during these years.

In the first diagram can see the volume of wooden biomasses managed between 2007 and 2010 by the companies associated to Aserma.

When they presented the data of 2009 confirmed the tendency of fall of material managed but in minor measured that the produced of 2006 to 2007.
The companies associated to Aserma managed 419.000 tonnes of wooden biomasses recovered estimating that the total percentage will be on the 545.000 tonnes in Spain, what represents roughly the half that in 2006.
This has translated in a strong contraction by part of the companies since they manage less material. The data of 2011 and 2012, that still are elaborating, will reflect this same tendency.
Inside this evolution of the total volume managed, also has produced , as it is logical, a variation in the origins of the material what explains a lot the global fall. In the following chart can see these variations porcentuales from 2007 to 2010.

The tendency have been the descents registered progressively in all the big origins related with the chain of the wood and the piece of furniture, especially the related with factories of pieces of furniture, that come falling from 2008 to 2010, and happened of 20% of the material managed to only 11%.
Calls the attention, on the other hand, the rise of the material managed of palés and containers recovering with upper figures to the ones of 2008. The wood managed of podas and of parks and gardens grew exponencialmente of 2007 to 2009 but now has produced a stop.
The tendency for 2011 and 2012 foresees that it will be the same, small descents of some origins and elder adjust between all the percentages.
These variations regarding the origins have brought obviously changes in the destinations and uses of the material as it can appreciate in the following chart porcentual.


Of the same way that in the analysis of the origins of materials, can check that the destinations related with the industry of the chain wood and piece of furniture have gone falling progressively year to year until reaching at present 48%.

By the contrary, in 2010 the energetic uses (thermal sensors and electrical) represent 36% of exit of wooden biomasses recovered since it has produced a greater demand, especially for replacement of fuels. The rest of destinations keep in similar figures to 2009.

Is important to stand out that those companies that only had a destination for his materials have suffered more economically as well as those that find in wooden traditional zones and piece of furniture. In fact, the companies that manifest more diversity so much in products as in services and activities are bearing better the current situation.

Along 2007 to 2009, it went up exponencialmente the deviation of materials to the dump, since with the crisis went back to be an exit for the companies, and although the current tendency indicates that it could manage more material if it resolved the problem of the dump in Spain, the percentages have gone down to 25%.
In addition to the dump exists a fall in the services so much in the private sector as in the public. In the first, already has explained so much in origin as in exit.
In public sector there is less activity and consumption; on the other hand the works for city councils: clean points, collected, podas, parks and gardens, etc. have gone down a lot because of the cuts. Also obviously they gave less helps and subsidies by part of the rest of Administrations.

Therefore, keeps the dump, goes up the abandonment or the no gestión and persists the lower consumption and activity by part of the companies and the society in general.

The Spanish Association of Agents of wooden Biomasses Recovered, Aserma, represents to the logistical companies that hold responsible and manage wooden biomasses recovered in Spain. Besides also it represents to Spanish companies that produce CSR and/or CDR with 30% of wooden biomasses recovered.

Inside this global definition finds the material that manage the companies to which represents Aserma, whose link of union is the wood in his wider meaning.

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