Lemken Iberia, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Lemken Iberia, S.L.
C/ Ortega y Gasset, 22-24 planta 3
28006 Madrid Spain
☎:  +34‑673566255  
w:  www.lemken.com
Importing of Lemken

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Lemken Is one of the leading manufacturers of equipment for the agriculture in Europe •familiar Company from the year 1780 •Owners: Viktor and Nicola Lemken •More than 1.000 employees all over the world •Headquarters in Alpen, northwest of Düsseldorf •Other plants in Meppen and Föhren •Machines for the crop, seeds it and the pulverización •Production: some 14.000 units to the year •70 % of export •Products rewarded internationally (gold and silver).

The mark Lemken, like specialists in agricultural products for crops, stands out by his big innovations in professional machinery will say us what sue of a good machine. Only with the experience shared, will be able to his engineers develop and optimise his range of agricultural products of the greater quality. The reason? Lemken Does not schedule neither builds secretly. Instead of this, work of conjoint form with the agriculturalists to develop machinery that help them in his practical needs. Like the "Company with Vision in Agriculture“ that consider , know that each finca is distinct. Only the professional agriculturalists will say them what sue of a good machine. Only with the experience shared, will be able to his engineers develop and optimise his range of products.

By the above-mentioned reasons, his range of products consists in machines designed to satisfy fully the needs of the agriculturalists and contractors of all the world. His list of options is so big, that allows him do a machine to the measure of his needs.

Steels of high quality are the base for a long length and quality of all the machinery Lemken and of his spare parts. The most modern processes of manufacture, ensure that the quality of the machines produced fulfil with all the requirements. Machining centres with technology CNC and plants of welding robotizadas, work elbow with elbow. A totally automated production and a plant in which it tempers the steel, prepare the components before assembling them in the machines. An accurate and strict control of quality in all the processes of production, ensure that only the technologically perfect products will arrive to the final user.

The big structure of Lemken guarantees a perfect service, and that the customer can always work with confidence. A network of distribution of Lemken to international level covers 55 countries to which Lemken exports his products.