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Fendt, New Holland, Landini, Marry IH and Same present his last bets in this segment

Tractor trucks specialists, the most complete machine

David Pozo02/07/2012
Insinuate that the available business of tractors in Spain is boyante, would be to go to contracorriente of the official figures that offers the market. But if there is a tractor that in our country works, is the frutero, and of this are conscious the majority of marks that work in our market for many years. In this special, want to do special upsetting in the variety of the offer, all she characterised by machines that stand out by his power, precision and by the confort that offers to his users.

200 Miscellaneous, all the technology Fendt moved to his specialists

With the series 200 Miscellaneous VFP, Fendt pretends to move the technology, assumed in the big tractors to the tractor trucks specialists. These tractors combine the maximum comfort of the mark with an optimum efficiency. The series of fruteros and viñedos of Fendt represents the first tractor trucks specialist with continuous transmission. This transmission was designed specifically for this type of tractors deleting completely the annoying tunnel of transmission, leaving a big space for the movement of the legs. A Miscellaneous transmission that achieves the maximum efficiency of work with an optimum consumption. Until 10% more than performance by surface thanks to an optimum adaptation of the speed of work.

With his powerful motors Agco Sisu Power of injection by common rail guarantee the maximum profitability and the maximum saving of fuel, and this in tractors from 70 until 110 CV.

These tractors have in addition to a hydraulics system with sensor of load, that is to say, where only sends the exact quantity of oil that needs in each moment, until arriving to the 76 litres by minute (optional until 106 l/min), in addition to a high number of distributors electrohidráulicos (until 6 distributors).

Fendt Miscellaneous turned into the first tractor trucks specialist with continuous transmission
Fendt Miscellaneous turned into the first tractor trucks specialist with continuous transmission.
As in all the tractors Fendt, the ergonomics is one of the main characteristic, with the possibility of handle with the joystick, of until 4 distributors (or 3 distributors and elevador), 3ª and 4ª auxiliary function, automatic way of the taking of strength, handle of the transmission, manoeuvre of investment, speed of tempomat and memory of revolutions. Other characteristics of this series are: option of monomando in cross for the control of other two distributors electrohidráulicos; optimum placing of the controls of form grouped (distributors, elevador, TDF) in the reposabrazos and automatic way TDF that active or desactiva depending on the position of the elevador.

Because of the permanent transmission of power and to the active stop, the Miscellaneous transmission allows a high degree of hygiene and control in throw them off balance. In the range 200 Miscellaneous V/F/P exist three possible versions like the version V, for the vineyard. This version has a minimum width of 1,07 metres. The version F with a minimum width of 1,32 metres, allocated to exploitations frutales, and the version P, with some minimum dimensions of 1,67 of width.

The series Fentdt Miscellaneous 200 has of an equipment for each need of work:

-standard Equipment: joystick with control of cruise and control of revolutions of the engine

- Equipment Profi: joystick multifuncional, included the activation of the control of cruise, control of revolutions of the engine, investor, controls of the elevador leading and backside, and until 4 valves.

New Holland Presents his series T4000 F/N/V to revolutionise the segment of special

The positioning of the new models T4000 of New Holland, near to the 110 CV, allocates to solve and fulfil the needs of the professional customers more demanding. They are not only three models of greater power, are significant updates and improvements in almost all the range of product and in all the sections that compose a tractor, attending to what the customers sue and need daily: more hydraulics provision; greater hygiene; better ergonomics; and more power and reliability of transmissions and TDF.
New Holland Includes a new package electrohidráulico ventral for the versions cabin of all the models T4000 F/N/V, with such to satisfy the demands of the customers by a hydraulics system of first level, for accionar without problems and with the maximum provision and productivity any implement, something very common in special tractors. The new joystick positioned in the right console, acciona a new block electrohidráulico of filters mounted in the ventral part right of the tractor, comandadas by the new electronic unit independent.

Two switches in the base of the joystick make possible to handle a total of 8 hydraulics exits. The discharge is directly proportional to the inclination applied to the joystick. It is possible to operate simultaneously two exits using the joystick in diagonal. Besides, there is available two additional connections, with independent regulator of discharge of 0 to 20 l/min (H), for needs according to the type of engine in sweepers, trimmers, prepodadora, etc. His set up will control with a specific switch. With this ensured have always working the tool and have available discharge for any demand.

Have entered also two important improvements of ergonomics in the versions N and V. It treats of a new position of the controls of the rear distributors. To leave to give in the knees with them when going in and handle them more comfortably, now lodge in the aleta right. Besides it has of more space in the floor of the platform for the feet of the operator thanks to the modification of the guardabarros rear in his low part.

Graphic summary of the improvements entered in the series T400 F/N/V and of which can benefit the agriculturalists
Graphic summary of the improvements entered in the series T400 F/N/V and of which can benefit the agriculturalists.
Element of hygiene very recognised in zones of slope with tractors that always work to the limit is the brake parking of series for transmissions Hi-The. It lodges in the place of the left crowbar beside the seat where situated the Creeper, that in case to mount it, share control.

To improve the provision in the aprovechamiento of the engine, reduce consumptions around 5% and the levels of noise, have established the new ratios of the PTO in all the models of the range: 540 to 1.958 rpm (before 2.197 rpm); 540 to 1.535 (without change); and 1.000 to 2.000 (before 2.260 rpm). Also the embragues mechanical have changed for the models T4060, being more reinforced.

Thanks to the possibilities that gives the new boquillero ventral electrohidráulico, also is available the elevador frontal forward for axis SuperSteer of the models ‘F' and ‘N' with controls electrohidráulicos. Two very appreciated details and increasingly sued by professional users that happen a lot of hours in his machines are the new girafaro abatible, that allows to put it quickly in low position to happen under the arbolado, and the radio Bluetooth with port Mp3 for the versions cabin.

Finally, and for the models of cabin, New Holland enters also the desconectador of battery. In the versions frame will keep on being mechanical.

The generation Rex, the indisputable bet of Landini

The series Rex is a new generation of specialists. Landini, mark commercialised in our country by AgriArgo, renews the range improving of significant form the level of confort, ergonomics and provision. Thanks to his innovative characteristic, the Rex results ideal for a big variety of applications. Available with platform or cabin, this tractor expresseses his extraordinary dowries of reliability, versatilidad and manoeuvrability in any terrain, in all type of special crops, and with all class of aperos.

The renewed range is available with distinct transmissions that can integrate with several options of leading bridge and backside, different roads and distances between axles, conforming all this five distinct versions for a total of 21 models of Rex.

The series Rex instruments the new motors Perkins Tier 3, of 3 and 4 cylinders with new models instrumented with turbo-aftercooler, to guarantee diets of constant power and high levels of reservation of pair engine, with which completes the renewal of the range. A range where provision, functionality, confort and aesthetics join of optimum form to guarantee the maximum efficiency and versatilidad. Precisely this is the strength of the tractor Landini Rex.

In both is available the superreductor, and in the hydraulics version the investor and the one of-cluth allow to invest the sense of the course and change the speeds without stepping the pedal of the embrague. The mechanical transmission base configures it a box of changes of 5 speeds, 3 ranges and the superreductor. In total offers 20 speeds to forward and 20 to backwards. From the 325 m/h to the 40 km/h. In the version of hydraulics transmission besides endows of a Hi-The hydraulics for a total of 40 speeds to forward and 40 to backwards.

The leading axis of traction is specify for the different versions: GE, F 3 cylinders, F 4 cylinders, and GT. It treats of an axis of dimensions contained to adapt to the applications of this type of tractors, robust, with central transmission, blocaje of the leading differential hidralock and endowed of brakes in bathroom of oil (system IBS) to ensure an excellent braked in the 4 wheels. The connection and disconnection of the DT is electrohidráulica. Tractors that allow some angles of twist of until 55º, that translate in some radii of twist very reduced.

From 2 until 6 distributors with 12 hydraulics takings, with the possibility to instrument regulators of discharge, divisores of electrical discharge, and a joystick also electrical to work with frontal loaders or another type of implementos endow to the Rex of an incredible hydraulics power. Distributors of the double simple/type effect, standard, floating, kick out and for hydraulics engine with regulator of discharge. With the option of tribomba, the hydraulics circuit of the Rex feeds by a hydraulics discharge of 100 l/min that divides in three entirely independent circuits to ensure always the feeding to the elevador, the rear distributors, the leading distributors, and to the services.

Finally, the cabin 'Total view' has a modern external image, provista of four totals to facilitate the visibility of 360º; and wide interior, elegant and extremely taken care with materials of big quality and design. The controls have been reposicionados to offer more space to the operator. The pneumatics seat, the new adjustable steering wheel, the presurización, the air conditioned, and much more contribute to a high degree of hygiene and confort.

Quantum F Of Marry IH: narrow by design, powerful by nature

The special tractors Quantum F of Marry IH versatile sound, allow to take care of the crops and maximizar the performance of the harvest, so much in viñedos narrow, as in frutales with freamers of plantation wider. The new models Quantum 75F, Quantum 85F, Quantum 95F and Quantum 105F, with a nominal power of 78 to 106 CV, are endowed of the highest specifications.

Between his main characteristics, stand out the hygiene in the work thanks to his good accessibility, seat confortable, big visibility and an excellent ergonomics. In all the models Quantum F incorporates like novelty the transmission HI-THE, the brake of parking that blocks it and offers a greater hygiene, as well as systems of double automatic traction.

The 75 F is the most compact model of the series Quantum F of Marry IH
The 75 F is the most compact model of the series Quantum F of Marry IH.
A current design endowed of motors of 4 cylinders, that has like main function be very productive when being able to work to low diet and high pair and turboalimentados with intercooler to take advantage of to the maximum the fuel. The tractor trucks Quantum F offer an effective performance thanks to the relation of ideal change for all the works, from works of precision anytime of the campaign, until the applications of transport during the recolección. Endowed of a hydraulics system of almost 100 l/min that allows the use of the different implementos, with the possibility to instrument rear distributors, intervals and forwards. Besides, the tank has capacity for 90 litres, what supposes a greater autonomy, with a saving for the most demanding agriculturalist.
Characteristics of the four models of the series Quantum F
Characteristics of the four models of the series Quantum F.

Frutteto3 ‘Hi-Steer': the bet of Same to better levels of comfort, efficiency and manejabilidad

Speak of Same and speak of specialists that is to say almost the same, or this is what think at least from the Italian mark. Some specialists with a long tradition, jalonada of important innovations and of continuous improvements, thanks to which, today, is possible to present the new range Frutteto3. A very staggered family of skilled tractors, designed and developed on purpose to satisfy any exigencia, so much if they employ in frutales as in viñedos. Thanks to the different versions for different freamers of plantation, with cabin or platform (different according to the size of the wheels), with mechanical controls or electrohidráulicos, and with a wide variety of equipments (LS and GS), is possible to configure an ideal model of Frutteto3, adapted to attain the maximum performance and work of an optimum and professional form.

The versions S and V, thanks to his dimensions reduced, to the new leading axis and to the new support adapted, allow to reduce considerably the radius of twist with what result easy to handle and manoeuvre, even in the narrowest spaces and in the cabeceras more limited.

The series Frutetto3 is designed on purpose to satisfy any exigencia, so much if they employ in frutales as in viñedos
The series Frutetto3 is designed on purpose to satisfy any exigencia, so much if they employ in frutales as in viñedos.
The frame preformado, the new profile of the capó, the axles and the system of steering optimised guarantee an angle of twist with a radius of so alone 3,4 m. The manoeuvrability is maximum, even in the hardest conditions, thanks to the employment of a fast hydraulics steering and flexible, aided by an independent bomb of gears.

By the wide angle of twist and the reduced distance between axles, these skilled tractors are very easy to manoeuvre, even in the cabeceras narrower. Thanks to the centre of low gravity and to the correct distribution of the weights on the leading axles and backside, the scarce length of the tractors does not prejudice the stability in the slopes. The traction is exceptional, even in the most difficult terrains: thanks to the system Car 4WD, the operator does not have to concern to connect/desconectar the integral traction. The system CAR 4WD realises this operation automatically (in function of the speed of advance and of the angle of twist), with which improves so much the comfort of the operator, since it does not have to realise repetitive operations, like the productivity.

I irradiate of twist of the Frutteto3 of Same
I irradiate of twist of the Frutteto3 of Same.
For the version Frutteto3 find available a cabin of 28 inches and 2 different platforms mounted on Silent-Block, in function of the pneumatics elected: Constructivamente possess the same width of cabin but adapted in the guardabarros to the tyres of 28 and 24 inches. For the version Frutteto3 S, find available 2 different platforms mounted on Silent-Block, according to the pneumatics elected: a wider for the tyres of 28 inches and another narrower for the ones of 20 inches. This last can instrument with tyres of 24 inches, with which obtains a low machine without renouncing to a good internal space. The wide surface glazed ensures a perfect visibility whereas the reduced dimensions of the cabin facilitate the step between the vegetation damaging it the less possible.

The structure with four totals entirely in glass with only windscreen without central crossbar guarantees a perfect visibility on the 360° around the tractor and a greater space for the driver, especially to the height of the waist, and contributes, at the same time, to improve the presurización of the habitáculo. The use of new panels fonoabsorbentes and anti vibrations, in addition to other technical solutions, like the viscous fan of refrigeration that reduces the noise of the engine, ensure a big level of comfort in the interior of the cabin.

Related Companies or Entities

Agriargo Ibérica, S.A.
CNH Industrial Maquinaria Spain, S.A. - Case IH
CNH Maquinaria Spain, S.A. - New Holland AG0
Fendt - (Agco Iberia, S.A.)
Same - (Same Deutz-Fahr Ibérica, S.A.)

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