Marisan Balbastre y Sanjaime, S.L. - Sprays, powder bellows, nebulisers and other phytosanitary treatment equipment

Marisan Incop-Vent 5

regulators of PH: simple and reliable

Picture of regulators of PH
The Incop Vent 5 is an automatic system of easy manipulation, that incorporated to the equipment, allows to regulate the pH of the water considered optimum for the different applications that go to realizar. This system characterises by the simplicity and reliability in the regulation of the pH of the waters, of easy manipulation and 100% effective.

The Incop Vent 5 controls and regulates in second the pH of the water, deleting all conductivity, obtaining a perfect water for the effectiveness of the products. Besides, it incorporates in his group a device measurer of litres with which allows always know the available capacity in the tank and the consumption of litres powdered.