Laboratorios Calier, S.A. - Animal nutrition

Calier Promotor L

Vitamin complexes and amino acids: suitable for cattle, horses, poultry, sheep, pigs and rabbits

Picture of Vitamin complexes and amino acids
Vitamins in the supplement are in soluble form, as well as amino acids, which are obtained in its chemical form "L" (levorotatory) and free in its quasi-totality, which gives the product a safe bioavailability at the same time that gives you ease of assimilation and speed of effects. Promoter is a formula which includes vitamins and amino acids, in concentrations appropriate, indispensable for the proper functioning of the organic fisiologismo. Its presentation in liquid form avoids the difficulties that could occur with certain types of automatic drinkers. It can be considered, therefore, as a full "bio-stimulant".

Indications: imbalances and nutritional deficiencies, in periods of stress, in the moulting of poultry and rabbits, to increase the setting, fertility and hatchability in birds and the feasibility on the chicks, in the States of impoverishment and convalescence of animals, during pregnancy, in breastfeeding, to improve the performance and the conversion rate of the animals, in the syndrome of fatty liver and intensive reproductive rhythms.