Rentokil Initial España, S.A. - Multi-purpose insecticides

Treatment of plagues for the wood: perfect identification of the agent that is causing the damage

Picture of Treatment of plagues for the wood
When posing the control of a plague of organisms xilófagos results of vital importance effect a correct diagnostic, that comprises the following appearances:

Identification of the shredders agent

Evaluation of damages

Location and suppressesion of sources of humidity

Identification of the shredders agent

Achieve a perfect identification of the agent that is causing the damage is fundamental by diverse reasons, between which suits to stand out the different biology of the same. As we will see more advance, this carries us to that so much the methods of treatment like the products used or the conditions of application, can vary in function of which was the present organism.

To do a correct identification, is necessary to have personnel sufficiently ready and with experience in this field.

Besides, to have of an effective tool of work, have participated in a European project, inside the program CRAFT to develop a no destructive system of detection of insects.

It exists a detector of activity of insects, based in the treatment of the characteristic sounds that issue (frequency and intensity). This allows us identify to the insect causante of the damage and even give a figure of the degree of activity of the plague.

Between the advantages that provides us this instrument, can mention the following:

Procedure no destructive

Simplicity of manipulation

fast and reliable Diagnostic

Allows to check the efficiency achieved in the treatments realizar.

Evaluation of damages

For this work have of a detector developed by our company and that supposes a world-wide novelty.

It consists in a device of broadcast – reception of electromagnetic waves to measure breaks and internal damages produced by humidities, fendas or attacks of insects xilófagos or other causes.

The insects in his attacks originate caverns, galleries and aserrinamientos. These produce in the device signal that when realizar the change of orientation of the broadcast give averages of signal very high, detecting with clarity the degree of destruction of the wood and in a lot of cases his prompt bill.

Sources of humidity

The humidity of the wood put in work is a fundamental factor to achieve his suitable conservation. The excessive humidity can cause “movements” in the pieces at the same time that creates the ideal habitat for the development of organisms xilófagos such as termes and funguses of pudrición.

The adoption of corrector and preventive measures that keep the humidity inside the suitable limits, constitutes a very valuable tool to guarantee the durability of the wood.