Tecnología Difusión Ibérica, S.L. (TDI) - Reactants for the wine industry

TDI Gluconic Xpress

Sour glucónico expresses: in less than 3 minutes

Picture of Sour glucónico expresses
The system Gluconic Xpresses is an able method to give results in less than 3 minutes with a precision of ±50 mg/l. Of all the existent systems in the market, is the simplest and sure, as no precise any type of manufacturing and can be used in function of the needs of each cellar.

This method can apply to diverse analysers commercialised by TDI: from the Jolly 102 Colour, that incorporates all the necessary, until the Miura One that allows to realizar the analysis of automatic form. The reactive already comes ready and smart to use, deleting of this form the risk to commit some error.