Industrias Ausere, S.L. - Bottle feeder/positioner

Ausere P-12 a P-38

Posicionadores Of containers of plastic: it has rotary presses operation and mechanic

Picture of Posicionadores Of containers of plastic
Machine of rotary presses operation and mechanic for the positioned of containers of plastic (PET, PVC or Polipropìleno) and automatic placing of the same in a general conveyor that drives them to the machine llenadora.

The machine consists of:

- Cuba acumuladora of containers that is covered for his soundproofing.

- Disk of selection of containers that expels the containers that have some deformity in diameter or in height.

- Crash that it guides the containers by a strip transportadora to the llenadora. In the strip there is an automatic device to avoid the accumulation of containers and of this form work to the rhythm that needs in each moment.

It has of a converter of frequency for the regulation of the speed.

All the parts that have contact with the containers are built in stainless steel.

Protections according to the norms of hygiene of CEE.

They are available different models as to the production that need .

Optional elements:

- Extractor of containers.

- Elevator of containers.

- Computer treatment of the production.

- System of empty in the conveyor of exit of bottles.

Model P-12: 1.200 mm long x 1.425 mm wide x 1.300 mm high, improves 0,5 kW and production hour of bottles of 1 litre according to containers.

Model P-17: 1.720 mm long x 2.010 mm wide x 1.920 mm high, improves 1 kW and production hour of bottles of 1 litre 6.000 units and of 2 litres 4.000 units.

Model P-22: 2.120 mm long x 2.410 mm wide x 2.100 mm high, improves 1 kW and production hour of bottles of 1 litre 10.000 units and of 2 litres 8.000 units.

Model P-24: 2.320 mm long x 2.560 mm wide x 2.100 mm high, improves 1,1 kW and production hour of bottles of 1 litre 12.000 units and of 2 litres 10.000 units.

Model P-29: 2.940 mm long x 3.280 mm wide x 2.300 mm high, improves 2,2 kW and production hour of bottles of 1 litre 15.000 units and of 2 litres 12.000 units.

Model P-32: 3.250 mm long x 3.475 mm wide x 2.300 mm high, improves 2,2 kW and production hour of bottles of 1 litre 20.000 units and of 2 litres 15.000 units.

Model P-38: 3.820 mm long x 4.150 mm wide x 2.240 mm high, improves 2,2 kW and production hour of bottles of 1 litre 24.000 units and of 2 litres 18.000 units.