Omnia Techonologies Iberica, S.A - Della Toffola - Wine filters


Plate filters: ideal for wines and musts

Picture of Plate filters
Filtration through frames, plates, cardboard, fabrics is the ideal for wines, musts and for the sludge in the wine sector, but is also widely used in the food industry and beverages sectors in general.

Two different construction types are available: 400 x 400 and 600 x 600 cartons filters: these filters are entirely built in stainless steel AISI 304 or 316, including chassis, valves, tank and accessories.

Scope of control the entry or exit of the product.

A complete range of accessories is available to fit filters to the manufacture of various products.

Models of 400 x 400 (bottom picture) 600 x 600 mm from the side of the filter plate (photo above).

Filter presses: these filters allow the recovery of the liquid part containing still the sludge, obtaining at the same time solid panels rich in usable materials by industries who work with by-products of the wineries.

All parts in contact with the product are AISI 304 stainless steel.

They are all equipped with feeding pump and hydraulic system of manual or automatic closing.

Filter package consisting of plates with camera of plastic material with central distribution manifold and angular manifolds for the leakage of fluid. Each filter plate carries a cloth of woven impregnation.

The Univer 400 x 400 model can be mounted plates for cartons by replacing the filter package, for the production of wines.

There are models with 400 x 400 to 1,200 x 1,200 mm filter plates