Marisan Balbastre y Sanjaime, S.L. - Mist blowers


Nebulizer dragged of low volume: special for viñedos

Picture of Nebulizer dragged of low volume
The nebulizer dragged of low volume Marisan is designed for plantations of viñedos. The main tank is of polyester or polietileno with subdepósito wash basin and lavacircuitos. The measurer of litres is visible and carries integrated the system of agitation Intermix or Euromix, which guarantees an efficient agitation.

The filter of aspiración has of an automatic valve of closing for the cleaning and auxiliary entrance of load of the tank. The filter of pressesure is autolimpiable with distribution and antigotas.

The control distributor is synchronised or electronic and the fan of 500 mm of diameter with embrague. The diffusers carry spherical articulations orientables and the regulator of total pressesure has of a visible manometer.

The chassis is of big robustness and the rejillas of protection of entrance and exit of the air fulfil the European rule.