Marisan Balbastre y Sanjaime, S.L. - Pruning compressors

Marisan TTD 3460

Motocompresor Diesel: with engine of explosion diesel of 4 times

Picture of Motocompresor Diesel
The motocompresor diesel model TTD 3460 of Marisan is highly professional with engine of explosion diesel of 4 times. It has electrical start with battery. The installation of series of the kit accelerator and of the polea centrifugal allows the automatic disconnection of the head in front of the fault of demand of air, reducing the consumptions and the wear.? Of automatic valve of put in empty, battery, group filter-reductor-engrasador and repartidor with stick multiple. It treats of a gifted group of roast removable and pneumatic wheels, apt for the employment in agriculture.