Centrotécnica - C.T. Servicio, S.A. - Injection moulding machines for universal use (thermoplastic)

Boy Boy 55 y 90

Increase of the precision in the closing of inyectoras

Picture of Increase of the precision in the closing of inyectoras
The new models of 55 and 90 tonnes of closing of Boy, German specialist in small inyectoras of high provision, can incorporate from this year an interesting device, that comes to increase still more the precision in the movements of the closing of these inyectoras. The effect achieves thanks to the utilisation of a proportional valve with career of retracción and control of position, for the movement of the closing. The advantages of this proportional valve with sensor of distance integrated cheese cheese are, in the first place, a substantial improvement of the precision of the movements of the closing, as well as disappearance of the histéresis of the valve and variability of the position of the pistón of the valve, with the same push. The control of the position of enclosed and a greater magnetism, gives like result a position of the pistón of the valve, more precise and dynamic that repercute directly in the movement of the mobile dish of the machine. The retention during some time also improves, likewise by the control of the position of enclosed that compensates possible variations and external influences, as well as assisting to the precision of the maintenance. This element is an optional in all the series of machines Boy of 55 and 90 tonnes of strength of closing and can incorporate subsequently to machines that have of a standard valve in the closing.