Disset Odiseo, S.L. - Safety cabinets

Fireproof cupboard 90 minutes: to store flammable products and contaminantes in places of work

Picture of Fireproof cupboard 90 minutes
The fireproof cabinets that presents Disset Odiseo are indicated to store flammable products and contaminantes in places of work. They protect of the high temperatures caused by fires and have a class of resistance of 90 minutes. They fulfil perfectly with the European rule DIN 14470-1 that regulates this type of cabinets. The doors go instrumented with lock with key and so alone is necessary a strength of minor to 10N to open them. The doors close automatically in a time of 30 seconds. To avoid the accumulation of flammable sequipment the cupboard is instrumented with an orifice of extraction equipment equipment of sequipment of diameter 100 mm in the top of the cupboard to the that can him join up an extractor and of panels of ventilation in the top and inferior.

The main characteristic of these cabinets is that the doors have an automatic device of closing that acts automatically when the external temperature reaches the 50 °C. If it follows increasing the external temperature, the channels of ventilation close automatically when they reach the 70 °C.

The channels of ventilation (one in the ceiling and another in the base) close automatically when the temperature arrives to the 70 °C.

They are built with sheet of steel 10/10 and 20/20 electrozincada. His structure is formed by a monolithic frame that allows that the doors adjust perfectly to said frame and do not need maintenance.

The external signpost is of steel (thickness 1,25 mm) with revestimiento of painting in dust of high quality with dried in thermal sensors gallery to more than 200 °C. They have of panels and resistant inner shelves to acids. The shelves are regulables in height and in the base of the cupboard there is a cubeto of retention with rejilla for the collected of possible escapes of the containers. They go instrumented of series with taking of earth in the high part of the cupboard to warn of possible loads electroestáticas.

All the cabinets are properly labelings and identified with the corresponding rule, DIN 14470-1.