Tecnoequip Penedès, S.L. - Filters and filtering components

Bucher Flavy FX

Filter of wines and fangos: tangential leak of double application

Picture of Filter of wines and fangos
The range Flavy FX simplifies the way to work of the vinificadores. During the period of vintage, the leak of the fangos is treated by batches: the operator can have a gestión by tub of his fangos for valorizarlos better. This ease of work allows to reduce the times between the desfangado and the leak, avoiding like this, all start of fermentation of the fangos.

The tangential leak Flavy FX frees to the vinificador of all restlessness of administration of insumos or of treatment of earths of leak used that it is necessary to assume.

The organic membrane of the Flavy FX of polietersulfona is specifically adapted for the tangential leak of the wines. This porous barrier of 0,2 µm retains the undesirable suspensions contained in the wine. The wines filtered are clear, stable microbiológicamente and clean. In this way they preserve the aromas and the colours. There is not oxigenación of the wine, and few losses of CO2.

The pressesure transmembranal of the tangential filters of the range Flavy FX is regulated, reduced and constant to guarantee a quality of permeado and discharges of constant leak as well as indexes of obstruction reduced.

The permeado obtained after the leak of the fangos, that represents until 90% of the volume employed, can be incorporated to the initial tub place that presents a big interest to level graso, of finura and aromatic freshness.