Instrumentos Testo, S.A. - Stroboscopes

Testo 477

Estroboscopio: for the measurement without contact of r.P.m

Picture of Estroboscopio
The Testo 477 is an estroboscopio indicated for the measurement without contact of rpm and the virtual arrest of processes to high speed.

The novelties that contributes the estroboscopio are a greater rank of measurement of until 300.000 rpm, an excellent luminosity of the destellos of 1.500 Lux (which allows to measure in the majority of places lit) and a greater autonomy, reaching the 11 h of uninterruptible measurement.

One of his applications is the measurement of revolutions in places of difficult access, like fans, turbines, propellers, motors, etc. Although where the testo 477 offers his best provision is in the virtual arrest of processes to high speed, as for example printers, systems of filled, looms or chains of setting, where can see any failure in the manufacture without need to stop the process, saving time and money.