Laboratorios Calier, S.A. - Disinfectants

Calier Despadac

Disinfectants: for buildings with livestock

Picture of Disinfectants
The product, as a disinfectant solution, constitutes an efficient and new conception on its biocidal activity, of extensive implementation and effectiveness in the field of cleaning disinfectants; balanced proportionality of its components active, detergents, antiseptics, solvents and disinfectants, provide you with a broad and active antimicrobial spectrum which includes bacteria, fungi, molds and viruses pathogenic and harmful to the species of poultry and livestock, being active in presence of organic materials.

This disinfectant is highly active against the virus of African swine fever, inactivating him in a minimum time of contact, so it is especially recommended to be used by the pig sector (livestock farms, slaughterhouses, cutting plants, factories of sausages, transport, etc.).

Applications: cleaning and disinfection of premises, accommodations, utensils, material, transport livestock, etc., especially during the season with production of infectious outbreaks, against germs such as Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, e. coli, Brucella, region, Pseudomonas, salmonella, Mycobacterium, Corynebacterium, against fungi such as Candida albicans, against viruses such as Newcastle, classical swine fever, African swine fever, myxomatosis, etc.