Disset Odiseo, S.L. - Sump pallets

Cubetos Of retention: for the storage of barrels, KTC or small containers in general

Picture of Cubetos Of retention
The cubetos of retention are an indispensable element for any company that store dangerous products and want to fulfil with all the rules of hygiene that regulate this field of application. Disset Odiseo Offers a wide range of cubetos for the storage of barrels, KTC or small containers in general. They are useful also to exert small operations of trasiego of liquids thanks to a good offer of accessories as for example supports bent for barrels or KTCs.

It is important to know the nature of the substance that it is necessary to store, since in function of if the liquid in question is flammable or corrosivo will need a cubeto metallic (galvanised or painted) for flammable or a cubeto manufactured in plastic polietileno PE of high density for corrosivos. The PE-HD is a material of high mechanical and resistant provision to the corrosion, chemical agents and ultraviolet rays, all this guaranteeing a long useful life. In the case of the cubetos metallic, these can supply with an inner coating in PE to be able to store liquid corrosivos even having the cubeto metallic.

According to the Spanish rules, the volume of retention or useful capacity of the cubeto has to be as minimum the capacity of the greater container. In case to store two or more containers, the capacity has to be the one of the greater container or the one of 10% of the total volume. In this last case has to choose the option more desfavorable.

The cubetos can supply with or without rejilla galvanised or in PE extraíble and in the majority of the cases have of cracks or legs of a height of 100 mm on the floor to allow the easy manipulation with transpaleta, apilador or carretilla elevadora.

They exist also cubetos consistent mobiles in a cubeto with wheels and integrated cheese cheese fencer that allow the transfer inside the factory of an or two barrels or small containers.