Larrosa Arnal, S.L. - Chisel cultivator


Chisel With shot by crossbow: instrumented with two arms twins of 50 x 30 mm and chassis of 125 x 125 x 8 mm

Picture of Chisel With shot by crossbow
The chisel with shot by crossbow is more robust and goes instrumented with two arms twins of 50 x 30 mm and chassis of 125 x 125 x 8 mm. And behind they can carry rastras, rulos of different types or disc harrow, of 1 or of 2 lines. His main characteristic is the robustness.

Besides, they are manufactured with temperate steels of big quality, very resistant to the wear and that avoid the holguras. And they are designed especially for terrains very problematic, in which the other chisel would break .

This type of chisel could designate double chisel by his size and robustness, very upper to what usually manufactures . They manufacture them from 7 until 19 arms.