Larrosa Arnal, S.L. - Chisel cultivator


Chisel Hydropneumatics: with roller

Picture of Chisel Hydropneumatics
Chisel Hydropneumatics with roller. Chisel With hydropneumatics shot. With this system,has the hygiene that never they will break the arms, although they use this chisel in fields with big stones or in terrains very hard.

Besides, with the hydropneumatics system can regulate very quickly the strength of the arms. It is a system of shot very soft, which leaves to go up to the arm much more of what do it the chisels ancient of dock. And also the shrinking of the arm is soft and does not hit hits. It is surprising to see it work in zones with big stones, as it happens with big ease and the tractor does not suffer hits neither tugs. Besides, this chisel has a lot of height and is very wide, what allows him work in zones with a lot of straw, without that drown . It manufactures with steels treated antidesgaste, and in sizes from 2,5 until 8 metres.