Instrumentos Testo, S.A. - Infrared cameras

Testo 876 / 882

Camera termográfica: with design of videocámara

With the model 876, Testo enters in the market the first camera termográfica in format videocámara, what plants to testo to the avant-garde of this segment This camera stands out by his lightness (aprox. 900 g) and for being instrumented with a screen giratoria folding, what facilitates the thermography in places of difficult access.This factor opens new possibilities, especially in the field of the professional industrial thermography: since the screen can rotar until 180°, can use to a height above the head of the user without problems. For the users of the sector of the construction or of the industrial maintenance also will represent an advantage can termografiar easily and from any angle zones of difficult access. Besides, the interchangeable aims allow to obtain always the image wished, already was wider or more detailed. Thanks to his low weight and his easy handle, the testo 876 adapts óptimamente to the requirements of the thermograph.

The model 882 is the first camera termográfica of Testo with the detector of 320 x 240 pixels, by what is not necessary to have of an interchangeable aim to obtain a very detailed image. This camera is instrumented with an angular aim of 32° with which obtain thermographies very precise and in which they observe big quantity of details. As it occurs with the testo 876, the hygiene is a paramount characteristic: from a prudential distance there are not problems to detect the lower failure in a place of difficult access or in identifying of precise and reliable form any anomaly in dangerous zones of industrial systems. The detector of 320 x 240 pixels of the testo 882 fulfils with the current standards of the thermography in the construction and with the guidelines of German Federal Association for Applied Thermography (VATh and.V.).