Gab Sistemática Analítica, S.L. - Vacuum pumps


Bomb of empty: model of sobremesa of reduced dimensions

Picture of Bomb of empty
The bomb of empty Vacum-Pres is a model of sobremesa of reduced dimensions. It is silent, carente of vibrations and has a maximum temperature of work of 40 °C.

The signpost of controls has general switch. It includes vacuómetro with scale of 0 to -1 bar, manometer with scale of 0 to 2,5 bar, regulator of empty/pressesure; taking of empty and taking of pressesure.

Vacio Discharge l/minute.: 1,08.

Vacio Limit: -0,6 bar = 400 mm Hg.

Pressesure discharge l/minute.: 1,3.

Maximum pressesure: 1,2 bar.

Consumption: 35 W.

Weight: 3,2 kg.