Gab Sistemática Analítica, S.L. - Baths

Bathroom termostático: of 2,5 litres with heating

Picture of Bathroom termostático
Gab Systematic Analytical offers to his customers the bathroom termostático of 2,5 litres with heating.

The temperature of the heating is of 65 °C. His useful measures are 264 x 164 x 80 mm. His external measures are 290 x 220 x 155 mm and the weight is of 2,5 kg. The feeding that needs is of 230V, 170W.

The regulation is digital electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers, controlled by microprocessor, with display digital for the control of the time and pulsadores of membrane. It has regulation of the time of work of ultrasounds in 5 cycles of time preprogramado: 90 s, 180 s, 280 s, 380 s and 480 s.

It is indicated for cleaning by means of vibration of high frequency. It treats of a simple team for usual uses of cleaning eat: oenology, elimination of the carbonaceous (CO2) of wines, dig, ciders, beer, etc.; optics, cleaning of glasses, glasses of sun, etc.; jewellery and lovely stones, cleaning of rings, slopes, clocks sumergibles, chains of clocks, etc.; chemical laboratory, cleaning of tubes and material of glass; dental clinic, cleaning of milling cutters, pinzas, etc.; restaurants, cleaning and maintenance of cubertería of luxury, forks, filters of the machine of coffee, etc.