Laboratorios Calier, S.A. - Medicine for other pets

Calier Ado eqmina

Antiseptics: suitable for dogs, cats and horses

Picture of Antiseptics
Chlorhexidine is a compound structure of biguanide with antiseptic activities. Its action is bactericidal and bacteriostatic. Possess a broad antibacterial spectrum, being active against germs Gram (+) and Gram (-), such as Serratia marcescens, Streptococcus uberis, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Some Gram (-) are relatively resistant. It has no action sporicide. Chlorhexidine has no absorption topically. Adoeqmina is colorless, so it keeps the own tissue color, without dye them, and therefore does not alter the appearance of the wound at any point in the healing process.

Indications: antiseptic of ulcers and wounds in general, conditions of extremities, antiseptic surgical field and from the hands of the veterinarian, disinfection of areas of Lancing, cleaning and disinfection of the pinna.