Tecnología Difusión Ibérica, S.L. (TDI) - Analiazador By infrared (IRTF)

TDI Bacchus 3 (versión Manual y Automática)

Analysers by infrared (IRTF): adapted for work in laboratory and in reception of vintages

Picture of Analysers by infrared (IRTF)
Allocated especially for analysis in: controls of maduration, reception in vintages, musts and musts in fermentation, wines efervescentes, wines finished, natural sweet wines.

Adapted for work in laboratory and in reception of vintages. In reception, possibility of connection with filtrador MostoNET.

Technical specifications:

· 120 you show/hour.

· Temperature of the sample regulated by effect Peltier.

· Prefiltración And desburbujeador on line.

· Cell of specific measure.

· Possibility to analyse samples with presence of CO2.

· Automatic wash.

· Management of urgent samples.

· Standardisation of the cells of measure.

· Adjust automatic of calibrations.

· Transmission of results by LAN or RS232.

· Specific program Oenology, easy and intuitive.

· His modular and compact design allows to displace it and situate it easily in laboratory or in reception.

· Indexes of quality in reception of vintages parametrizables by the user.

· Low costs of maintenance.

· I handle simple, without need of qualified personnel.

· Material delivered with all the available calibrations for wines and musts: Alcohol, pH, Total Acidity, Sugars, Volatile Acidity, Málico, Láctico, Glucónico, Nitrogen easily assimilable, Degree Baumé, Brix, etc.

· analytical Advice and permanent technician by specialists in Oenology from does more than 25 years.