Sermagasa, S.L. (Girolivo) - Flail mulchers and cutters

Perfect BG2 / BK2

Agricultural crushers of hammers: for triturar grass, rests of poda of until 8 and 10 cm of diameter

Agricultural crusher of hammers of low construction (height no upper to 52 cm), compact and very solid, able of triturar grass and rests of poda of until 8 and 10 cm of diameter.

- Lateral trip mechanic (hydraulics optional)

- main Threads mounted in interior of chassis (means that the total width of the machine can use óptimamente for the work)

- back Roller and skate lateral.

- Widths of work: 105, 120, 135, 150,180, 210 cm.

- For tractors from 18 kW / 25 CV (grass) / 22 kW / 30 CV (rests of poda).

- Hammers of 0,80 kg (grass) / 2,20 kg (rests of poda).

- With quills rear trace to collect and powder the small rests of poda (BK2).

- It covers cover reinforced (optional).

- Possibility of setting in frontal tractor.

- Possibility to join up like implementos: disk/s lateral interplantas ( DX and/or DX/SX); brush barredor side of rests of poda.