Omnia Techonologies Iberica, S.A - Della Toffola - Other equipment for winemaking

DT Separtech BioThermo/Cooler

Advanced thermal treatments: for wine-making

Picture of Advanced thermal treatments
The main objectives of the thermovinification (vinification by heat) from red grapes are: Instant removal of dyes autocianinas copigmentation effect and increase the color intensity.

Possibility to extract the noble tannins that will ensure color stability over time.

Destruction of the enzyme, valuable activities in the elaboration of moldy grapes.

Winemaking in the liquid phase that allows the reduction of the use of fermentation.

Possibility of obtaining a product with good coloring and structure of grape untreated mixed with heat treatment winemaking grape and macerated for 8/18 hours.

Della Toffola has developed a unique and innovative plant in its genre for the mentioned results, guaranteeing: maximum respect product that keeps unchanged all its characteristics reduced treatment times.

Actually contained operating expenses.

Continuous processing cycles.

BioThermo system represents a new and fundamental instrument for the winemaker, because through rapid heating of the must is obtained a structural weakening of furs, the expansion of the vacuoles and the consequent rapid and effective extraction of the desired colouring substances.

After a maceration of only 45 minutes you can spend to winemaking without skins in normal tanks, without the need for complex equipment for wine making. This is possible because it must dye component is already perfectly stabilized.

Unit BioThermo can be attached as an adjunct device Cooler thus constituting the full system BioThermo / Cooler that he allows: rapid heating of the grape.

Instant expansion of the same grapes by vacuum.

Advantages of the full system: exploiting the effect of elevated temperatures to inhibit the harmful enzymes (polyphenol oxidase, laccase).

It weakens the cell walls for faster and more effective dissemination of the macro molecules such as: anthocyanins, responsible for color.

Tannins, responsible of the structure.

Volatile compounds, flavours or aromas precursors.

Instant cooling of the must that allows the immediate pressing membrane presses.

This procedure also allows the user value to maximize their fermentation tanks by significantly reducing the days of maceration.

1.5 To 60 ton/h models