Dantherm - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
28108 Alcobendas (Madrid) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑961524866   +34‑961314114  
w:  https://www.danthermgroup.com/es
Climatic solutions for open spaces

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%


Termigo Microclimate is a skilled company in offering the best solutions of bioair conditioning, air conditioning natural and radiant heat.

In Termigo have learnt of the nature: the breeze of the sea, the radiation of the sun and the orographic protection in front of the winds, are elements of inspiration that allow to re-create his simple and effective solutions.

In Termigo have 10 years of experience climatizando zones of big volume and spaces in the open air.

His aim is to offer the professional offer wider of creative solutions to the comfort.

Vision: creative solutions to the comfort and to the quality of the air

Termigo Microclimates is a company that brings everything in a world of new sustainable solutions that respect our surroundings.

Lines of product:

Termigo + Fog
Created microclimates with systems of pulverización of water, offer solutions for resfrescar the air in diverse applications inside the industrial state.

Termigo + Biocool
The cooling evaporativo is a natural process that uses like refrigerante the water, absorviendo the heat and cooling the hot air, reproducing like this the effect of the breeze of mar.

Termigo + Heat
The systems of heating by electrical radiant floor or, the heat by radiation of the halógenos infrared, represent innovative solutions of air conditioning to resolve the problems in periods of cold.