Institut Català del Suro (Icsuro) - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Institut Català del Suro (Icsuro)
Miquel Vincke i Meyer, 13
17200 Palafrugell (Girona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑972305661  
🖷:  +34‑972611200
Institut Català Of the Suro

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Institut Català del Suro (Icsuro)

To finals of the years 80, the Employers' association Corcheros of Catalonia- AECORK-, created the year 1977 and integrated by more than 90% of the companies of the sector, in front of the difficulty to compete in costs, and with the aim to answer to the increasing requirements of quality by part of the utilizadores final –especially in the case of the caps–, bet by a strategy of improvement of the competitiveness of the industry by the road of the technological innovation and the differentiation of the product.

The year 1991, to proposal of AECORK, the Government of Catalonia created the Public Consortium ‘Institut Català of the Suro', to effects of vehicular the strategies of the sector by means of some lines guidelines of performance that put the emphasis in the aprovechamiento to the maximum of the competitive advantages already existent of quality, image, to scale technological, etc. On the other hand, the character mostly public of the consortium contributes greater objectivity to his performances.

The Catalan Institute of the Cork, created by Decree 208/1991 (DOGC 1509) of the Government of Catalonia, is an entity of character consorcial integrated po : the Government of Catalonia, by means of the Departments of Work and Industry (the Secretary Gral. Of Industry has the presidency), the Department of Environingingment and, the Department of Agriculture, Ramaderia and Fishing, AECORK (Employers' association Corcheros of Catalonia ), the Forestry Consortium of Catalonia, the Cameras of Trade of Palamós and Sant Feliu of Guíxols, the City council of Palafrugell, Sant Feliu of Guíxols and Cassà of the Jungle and the University of Gironinginga.

The month of June of 2006 the Catalan Institute of the Cork inaugurated the new headquarters situated in the conjoint fabril Armstrong of Palafrugell. This project has comported an investment of 600.000 with the decisive support of the Department of Work and Indústria, of the department of Environingingment of the Generalitat of Catalonia, of the City council of Palafrugell and of the business sector. In this context, the project has achieved a subvention FEDER and a system of viable financials through the Catalan Institute of Financialss.