Garrigós Almagro, S.A. (Gaysa) (FG Group) - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Garrigós Almagro, S.A. (Gaysa) (FG Group)
Autovía Murcia-Granada, Salida 594 - Pol. Ind. Vistabella
30892 Librilla (Murcia) Spain
☎:  +34‑968657607   +34‑968657627  
🖷:  +34‑968658453
Manufacture and sale of phytosanitary ware agricultural machinery for the crop protection

The vicinity of the company location is being shown.

Garrigós Almagro, S.A. (Gaysa) (FG Group)

GARRIGOS And ALMAGRO, S.A. Founded in 1975, by Juan Garrigós Martínez, with the aim to cover the needs of the national market. From his beginnings, GAYSA has known to surpass the obstacles that have presented him on the way, arriving to turn into a company of recognised prestige so much to national level as to international level.
With his new installations in the industrial polygon beautiful Sight, in Librilla, GAYSA has more than 18.000 m² of installations, delivered between factory, warehouse and offices, allowing him have of ideal space to house a team of professionals highly qualified and in constant learning. This allows him be to the day in the last technological advances with the aim to improve the quality of service and the satisfaction of his customers. This requires the most absolute coordination and implication of all and each one of the departments that form the company. Likewise, all the personnel of GAYSA receives periodically courses of learning and recycling that allow to know day in day out the needs and demands of an increasingly demanding market.
Each component elaborated by GAYSA or by his auxiliary companies, receives an exhaustive control of quality since it is manufactured until his back incorporation to the machine. If some element does not fulfil all the requirements of quality demanded, is marked and refused of the process of production, avoiding like this any possible failure in the future operation of the machine.
Once concluded the process of manufacture, the department of quality controls and reviews the perfect operation of each one of the machines manufactured, reducing to the minimum any possible problem in his back employment by part of his customers. On the other hand, proofs like the measurement of the pulverización horizontal, vertical or of the impacts by each square centimetre, allow that his machinery find in a process of update and constant improvement.
The geographic and climatological variety of Spain joined, to a long agricultural tradition, and to his strategic intercontinental enclave, have contributed decisively to that, in front of such diversification of crops, develop a wide and miscellaneous range of adaptable agricultural machinery to all type of exploitations.
The machines are realizar to cover all the needs regarding crop protection refers . Agriculturalists and companies of the sector find in the wide range of machinery of GAYSA, the product that more adapts to his needs. All and each one of them are manufactured in distinct sizes, incorporating besides the last technological innovations.